Please Don't Go

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Welcome back everyone. Hope you all are in perfect health :)

Thank you for giving my story a try.

So without further ado, let's start with chapter 7



"Demonic Voice"



Kurama's home - 07:35 p.m.

Naruto looked at himself in the mirror with a slight frown adorning his handsome features, "Do I really have to go through this?" He asked himself softly.

He was wearing a red full-sleeves form-fitting tee-shirt with stripes design, black slim-fit jeans, red sneakers and finishing his outfit was a black leather jacket with a furred hood. All in all, he looked good if he did say so himself.

He sighed for the umpteenth time at thinking about the situation he was in, "Why did you have to accept her offer, you damn Racoon!" Naruto cursed his best friend for putting him in a complicated situation like this.

He was -for reasons unknown to even him- going to the date he had with Shion. Maybe it was due to his respect for his best-friend/brother-figure or maybe it was due to the sole reason he did not want to break Shion's heart or maybe he just wants to get this over with he didn't know! But he did know this was giving him a rather serious headache.

After Lady Matatabi had left, his Mistress had been rather extra clingy to him for the entire duration of the day and when he asked her if something was wrong, her only reply was - 'I just feel like being staying closer to you' with an adorable pout on her face. Don't get him wrong, he enjoyed her clinginess rather immensely but the probable reason behind it left a built-up of dread in his stomach.

He suspected Lady Matatabi had told her about his date with Shion and clinging around all day was his Mistress' way to silently tell him to not leave her for anybody else. If that was true then he didn't know what to do, should he scream in joy or pull his hair out in frustration. He didn't know!

He knew he was being a major indecisive bitch that cannot decide on anything and that was also leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. For as far as he can remember, he had never been indecisive; he just trusted his gut feeling and he followed it no matter the consequences. That was how he ended up with that scum Jiraiya and that was also how he ended up with his most wonderful Mistress.

But now, even his gut was feeling confused about what to do when it came to matters regarding his Mistress. Everything regarding his feelings for her left him a severely jumbled mess on what to do and this was no different.

What a complicated thing love is!

He heaved another sigh and straightened himself up, he was going to the date then he will decide on what to do and besides it was only a date.

With that thought, he turned around and walked out of his room, he closed the door with his tail and started walking towards the living room of the house to say goodbye to his Mistress.

He entered the rather spacious living room and spotted his Mistress - sitting in front of the fireplace on a single recliner sofa with her back facing towards him, he absently noted the radio softly playing its melodies in the background.

He softly walked towards her sitting form and called out from behind her, "Mistress."

Kurama was not having a good day, the entire day she had clung onto Naruto like an attention-starved pet-dog begging for its master's attention. It was her own way of saying to him - please, don't leave her. She wondered if he got her silent plea or not, she hoped he did, for her own sake - she really, really hoped he did.

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