48: the briefing room

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a/n ~ hello and welcome to postwar! i am BEYOND excited to finally reach this moment of time in this series. it is truly a long time coming and this chapter is a highly defining moment for operation virago. 

do you remember sergeant barbara miller from earlier in the soldier of stars? if so, she is the focus of this chapter!! and i hope you enjoy her perspective to show truly what these viragos mean as members of operation virago. i've never been prouder :,) 

allen leech is general edward lacourtier  - so that's why his gif is at the top of the page -> just a hint, you'll find out general lacourtier was the anonymous writer!!

thank you! and enjoy! <3


" Have more humility. Remember you don't know the limits of your own abilities. Successful or not, if you keep pushing beyond yourself, you will enrich your own life - and maybe even please a few strangers."

- A.L. Kennedy


Briefing Room, White House, Washington DC - August 31st, 1945

" Alright, moving on from the topic of General MacArthur and the Supreme Allied Command and onto another even larger topic - Operation Virago."

The news reporters just about burst out of their seats at the mere comment of the female lead operation - one that had been so covert, so secret, and so so successful - no one had even suspected it to be. 

Hands flew up, mouths were moving, and cameras were rolling. 

Everyone had questions, nearly everyone had an answer and just about each person in the room believed that at the moment Operation Virago was the most appealing story to put in their paper - even with a war just newly ended. Operation Virago rumors scored the fronts of each and every magazine of America, with hidden details from anonymous senders, pictures sent in by others, information from March 1941 on the entire ordeal initially being thought of. Information upon information on Operation Virago was being spewed to the public. 

Major Barbara Miller sat stiffly beside General Edward LaCourtier - the anonymous General who wrote in his piece about Operation Virago back in the summer of 1945 - which nearly everyone had seen. 

General LaCourtier had been the main reason Operation Virago had gotten onto its feet - and the main reason he had written it anonymously before revealing himself to the public with merely a sod ridden face of utter disgust as he watched the media like wild animals snap and claw for each and every bit of attention from either himself or Major Miller. 

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