• Damn

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Peter was afraid to open the phone call because he had cried and his voice was really raspy and that would give him away.But he opened the phone anyway.

"Kid?!"-A voice from the other side came.-"Are you okay?"-No answer. -"Kid?!!"

"Hello Mr.Smart!"-The raspy shaky small voice said.Now Tony was 100% sure that he was just a 15 years old kid.

"Oh god!Are you okay ?I forgot my phone in my lab sorry for making you worry!"-Tony said.

A cough came from Peter .-"Yea I just had a tough day at work.My idea got somehow canceled...anyway I don't want to think about it now!"-He said and tried to control his voice and make it look different than normal.

"At the SI?"

"Yes Intern Level...Guess a lot of projects got canceled !"

Tony skipped a beat...He had canceled his project.How would he had known anyway there where 1000 projects from that level!-"I am sure that there will be other chances!"

"I don't know Mr.Smart I just ...Never-mind...It late you should probably go before your husband kills me for keeping you so late!"-Peter said and tried to make a small chuckle which made Tony's heart bloom.He was as pure as through texts!

"Sure don't forget your homework and take a lot of sleep!"-Tony snapped.

"Yes Dad!"-Peter said jokingly.

"Don't spoil me kid or I will make you call me Dad or else i don't respond to you!"-Tony said and a giggle came from across the phone.

"Damn!..Good Night Mr.Smart!"-Peter said and hung up after a small sweet drams from Mr.Smart.

That was all Peter needed to drift into a deep sleep and wake a little more late than expected.


(Sad plushie family chat!)*

Mama Spider 🕷

Petal didn't write anything  and It is 8 a clock!

Do you think somethings wrong!?


Go to sleep it's really early!


Don't mind my brother ...he sleeps till noon!

Where is Petal?Didn't he  woke up for school!?


Stop buzzing my phone!


Just turn of the notifications!


Guys thanks for waling me up!

Oh shit I am super late!

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