• Long Distance Family

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Wakanda Forever!


Peter took his phone from Gwen (Spider-verse Gwen!) and noticed 15 missed calls from Mr.Smart and Scary Mama.Oh shit! A pissed of mom and dad was nothing he needed right now!

Gwen looked over at him.She was wearing her White and Pink suit with her golden web-shooters on and a phone looking at some new vines.She rarely went on patrol because she was more of a long-mission hero and not a simple vigilante but when she did,she would take Peter with her.

As Gwen was focused on her phone Peter decided to talk to Mr.Smart first and apologize for everything.



Hey Mr.Smart!

Sorry for not answering your calls.I left my phone in the office all day.

But I have good news!


Kid you almost made me have a heart attack!

Next time better call me first.

What's the good news!


I got promoted at the SI!

Now I have a new boss...


Are you the kid from the intern level that works with Stark?



I wish I was but I am not that lucky!

At last I don't deliver coffee anymore... And the kid who works for Tony Stark sure he is lucky!They say he is smart...but I know him better.


You know the kid?!

What do you mean know better?


He can be called my friend!

He is a good kid though!

Anyway!I just weote to tell you I am fine!I am working soo...Bye!



Working in 1 am !Kid you will be the death of me!

Stay safe don't do drugs!



Sure dad!😝


Shreds a tear*

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