• Detention

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It was morning and Peter woke up by Fuzzy telling him it was time for school. It was just another normal day for Peter.He noticed he had slept in the computer desk and his phone was dead because it hadn't charged all night.

He took the dead lab-rat phone and the charger putting it inside his backpack.He had no time to wait it to charge .He took the subway and after a while entered the school.He was trying to find his girlfriend and his best mate when his senses tingled.He knew it was probably Flash so he took the punch from behind.

"Puny Parker is school!Who would believe I would had to see your dickhead face this morning !"-Flash said and Peter just sit up from the ground.

"Leave me alone Flash!"-Peter said because he wasn't-in mood to actually talk to him.

"Penis Parker wants me to leave now."-Flash said and punched him spare in the face when he was about to throw another punch Peter dodged it making Flash hit the wall hard.

"You two.Principal office NOW!"-A teacher from the hall said.

—After entering the office.

"Benjamin.I really thought I would never see you in this position!You are one of my best students...This is a bad example for the others."-The principal said.

"I am sorry sir.He was the first one to attack I tried to stay back but..."-Peter stoped.He couldn't help it.

"That's enough Benjamin!You know Eugenes parents have been throwing accuses that you where the one to throw the first punch and that you have been bullying Eugene Thompson for a while.Which I totally still can't believe."-The principal said.

"Sir that's not true he doesn't even has bruises from my 'attacks' please sir you-have to believe me."-Peter said knowing that this was Flash's fault.

"I am sorry Benjamin there is no ocular witness so we have to assume and give you one week detention.Also you have to call someone to pick you up."-The principal said.

Peter gulped.Matt was outside the town with his job...he is the only adult he has in his side ...Unless...-"Sir can I use the office phone please?!"

"Yes.I will be waiting outside,make it short and don't lose the second period."-The principal said and walked out.

He quickly wrote Mr.Smart's number.The phone buzzed but there was no answer.Than he had a second thought.Mama Spider!He took his notebook and wrote the number the phone dialed and a female voice answered.-"Who is this!"

"Mama it's me Petal."-Peter whispered.

"Oh hi Petal.We where worried sick because you didn't answer our messages.Are you okay?Why are you calling with another phone?"-Nat answered from the other side.

"I messed up.I am school,just had a fight...I wasn't supposed to fight back but I somehow did...I am at the principal office now...and beed someone to pick me up after detention because that's what principal said.I know we aren't supposed to meet but I promise to not se your face..."-Peter said and the female voice giggled.

"You called me out of all the others from the group!I have to record this !"-Nat laughed.-"Don't worry Petal I am good with disguises...will be there after school.What time do you leave?"

"3:45 because I have detention.I will be wearing a gray hoodie with blue jeans and a red and black backpack."-Peter informed and made a huff.-"I hope I am not causing trouble!"

"What...No Peter it's alright!I am going to be a real mom for one day...I am not trading this with anything in the world!"-Nat said enthusiastic.-"Arrow wants to come.Should I bring him?"

"No I am not really in my best shape to meet Arrow.Maybe another time."-Peter said trying to remain calm.

"Okay he is crying to Laura now!Anyway you have explanations to do young man!About how did you get detention and who tried to fight you!He is a dead man!"-Nat said with her killing voice.

"No Mama Spider!No killing anyone!Oh god this is humiliating!"-Peter said laughing and huffing at the same time.

"See you after school Baby spider!"-Nat said and Peter closed the phone.

He walked to the second period. Chemistry his fav!

—After detention.

Peter was waiting in the hall outside the principal office,his hoodie hiding 50% of his face.He was listening to some music when a woman walked past him.

"Hey Petal!"-The woman said.

Peter skipped a beat.He pulled his headphones out.He badly wanted to see the woman's face.-"Hey Mama!"-He sat up his face down so she couldn't see him.

A hug came out of nowhere and gave him warmth.It was the best hug he had ever felt in his life.-"Who dared to hurt my Baby?"

"Look Penis got himself a Mom!"-Flash mocked coming their way.-"How much did you pay for this sexy actress to play your Mommy huh!"-He said with a smirk before collapsing into the ground from a slide kick and punch spare in his face.

"You dare touch MY SON one more time...I DARE YOU to touch one more hair string from his hair and I will KILL you and your entire bloodline!SON OF A BITCH!"-Nat said and took Peter's arm.

Peter was shocked,happy and scared at the same time.-"Thanks Scary Mommy!"-Peter said and hopped into Nat's car. Now Flash was crying outside the window and Nat took the Driver's seat.

"I remember you have work today at Stark Industries !"-Nat said and started the car.-"Let's go kid!"


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