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Brooke and Killian wereat Regina's office and they told everyone what happened with Zelena.

"You two let her out?" Regina asked angrily.

"Technically, we let her escape," Brooke said.

"Morons," Regina said.

"Watch it, Your Majesty," Killian said.

"At least we're doing something to save my sister," Brooke said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Regina said.

"Well, maybe you like not having Emma around, means you can have Henry all to yourself. Wouldn't surprise me if you banished me," Brooke said.

"Watch it, unless you want to lose your family again!" Regina threatened.

"Oh, yes, I dare you," Brooke said.

"Enough!" Mary Margaret yelled, "Zelena's out, that is what matters, but not as much as Emma... Emma is our daughter, she's always found a way to save us and we are gonna put our nonsense aside and find her, okay?" Mary Margaret said.

"Okay, where would Zelena go first?" Brooke asked.

"I know exactly where or more accurately, who she's after," Regina said.

Later on the main street of Storybrooke, everyone found Zelena choking Robin with her magic.

"Hello, sis, I see you've fixed the clock. It would be a shame to break it again. Although, it might be fun to see Robin fly like on of his arrows," Zelena said.

"You lay another finger on him..." Regina said.

"Oh, I'm not here to hurt Robin, I'm here to trade him for the apprentice's wand," Zelena said.

"What the hell do you want with this?" Regina asked as she held the wand.

"I am tired of losing to you! You continue to get everything but now," Zelena said as she put her hand on her stomach, "Now, now I have someone to love me and only me. See, this is my future, and I am not letting anyone take it fromme or turn it against me. So I am going as far away from you and Robin as possible. Over the rainbow, where you can't follow," Zelena said.

"Back to Oz?" Regina asked.

"I may have been feared and despised there, but at least I was free. At least I was in control, so if you want your forest-smelling boyfriend to live through the day, you will give me that wand," Zelena said.

"Don't even think about it," Killian said, "Regina, you can't."

Zelena tightened her hold of Robin's neck, "I have to," Regina said and she handed Zelena the wand.

Zelena laughed and released Robin as she took the wand from Regina, "Lovely, now, all it needs is a little direction," Zelena said and held up her necklace, "A trinket from home, now, see me do what you weren't powerful enough to do yourself," Zelena said.

Zelena wave the want around the necklace and then the necklace glowed. She tossed it behind her and then there was thunder rumbling above. They all saw a twister coming towards them to take Zelena but then Zelena got hit by a green light.

"Oh! Oh!" Zelena said breathing heavily and Regina took the wand then put the cuff back on, "No!" Zelena said and David grabbed Zelena, so she wouldn't run away.

"What the hell happened?" Killian asked as he held Brooke close to him.

"What happened is I'm not stupid. I knew you could open that portal, but I also knew it would weaken you. See, there's one thing our family does well, sis, and that's exploit plan. Now, we're gonna take your portal, but we're not taking it to Oz, we're taking it to Emma," Regina said.

Darkness Is In [OUAT || Two Saviours Series #5 || Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now