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At Emma's house with Regina, Robin, Killian, Brooke and Belle.

"Showtime, Henry says he's got Emma occupied," Regina said.

"You told Henry what we're doing?" Brooke asked her.

"No, but he'll let us know when she's headed back, let's do this," Regina answered and she tried to reach for the doorknob but is repelled by magic.

"Oh!" Regina said.

"You okay?" Robin asked.

"Protection spell," Regina said.

"It would appear she doesn't want you trespassing," Killian said.

Regina sighed and turned to Killian, "You want to try, Captain?" She asked.

"Well, I know she doesn't want me to either," Killian said, "Maybe we should face the facts that we're not gonna get in there."

"No... We're going in," Regina said.

"Henry, she'd let Henry in. Do you have anything of his on you?" Belle asked.

Regina made Henry's scarf appear, "I do now," She said and grabbed the doorknob with Henry's scarf and it opened.

Brooke smiled, "Thank you, Henry, you're our hero," She said.

Later at Emma's house, everyone had gone down into the basement and they had found a cave.

"What the hell... Why the hell does she have a cave as a basement?" Brooke asked.

"No idea, but we're gonna find out," Regina said.

The group continued walking in the cave and they came across Excalibur in the stone.

"Now, we know why she didn't want you down here," Regina said.

"Yeah, I don't think she wants anyone to see this and I think I know the reason why. Take a look, Excalibur looks kinda familiar doesn't it?" Killian asked.

Brooke took a closer look and saw the design on the blade, "The dagger, it's the... The same design, the same edges," Brooke said.

"What the hell does she want with this? And with Gold, what is she up to?" Regina asked.

"Who knows," Brooke said.

"Well, given out missing memories, I'd wager whatever it is, it's not good," Robin said.

"Let's take a better look at the damn thing and find out," Killian said and reached for the sword's hilt.

"Stop! I can't believe I'm about to say this, but it could be booby-trapped, you could get killed," Regina sia.d

"Oh, I didn't know you cared," Killian said and Brooke giggled a little.

"I don't, but right now, you're useful... ish," Regina said.

Belle walked over to the gate behind the sword, saw ropes then sighed, "He was here, Rumpel was here," Belle said.

"And now he's gone, let's try searching the rest of house," Robin suggested.

Regina's phone chimed and she looked at it, "No time, it's Henry. She's on her way back," Regina told them.

They all left the basement and were about to leave when Killian saw something as the rest of the group were going out the front door.

Brooke looked at him, "Hey, what are you doing?" She asked and walked to him with Regina.

Killian opened a box to reveal a brown dreamcatcher with three seashells and brown and white feather.

Darkness Is In [OUAT || Two Saviours Series #5 || Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now