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Flashback - Camelot...

Brooke woke up beside Killian and looked out the window, it was late at night and she heard noises coming from Regina's room, which was next door to theirs.

Brooke sat up and shook Killian awake, "Love, what's wrong?" Killian sat up, "Bad dream?"

"No, someone's in Regina's room," Brooke said.

"Probably Regina," Killian said and kisses her cheek, "Come back to sleep, you need your sleep."

"Leave me alone!" Emma's voice came from Regina's room.

Brooke got out of bed and wrapped herself in her dressing gown, "Brooke, love," Killian got out of bed and walked to her, "Let me go."

"But I have magic, at least I can push her away," Brooke said.

"Brooke..." Killian pressed.

"I'm going," Brooke said and kissed him.

"We'll go, together," Killian said.

Brooke grabbed a mirror and left with Killian, they walked into Regina's room to see Emma talking to herself, "Get out of my head!" Emma yelled and turned around and used her magic to get rid of the being inside her head, but her magic attack narrowly missed Brooke and Killian.

Emma stepped towards them, worried she's hurt one them.

"Calm down," Brooke said and slowly approached her, "There's no one here, it's just us. You and us," Brooke said and pulled Emma into a gentle hug.

"He's inside my head, I can't get him out. He's here, he's always here," Emma said.

Later, Emma is laying down and is surrounded by those who loved her. She was holding Henry's hand, whilst everyone else watches on worriedly.

"What happened to her?" Regina asked.

"We have no idea, she hasn't said anything," Killian said.

David walked in, "It's getting worse, isn't it?" He asked.

Mary Margaret turned to face him, "David, where have you been? I was looking all over the castle for you," She said.

"With Arthur, it turns out he might have a way to help Emma," David said.

"We can't..." Brooke began but got interrupted.

"If we give him the dagger..." David began.

"David, listen to me, we can't trust Arthur," Mary Margaret said, interrupting David.

"What are you talking about?" David asked her.

Mary Margaret looked at Brooke who sighed heavily, "Lancelot," Brooke said.

"Lancelot? Lancelot is dead," David said.

"That's what he wanted Cora to think, but he outwitted her," Mary Margaret said.

"Hey," Regina said interrupting them, "Hey, not in front of the patient, given the state that she's in, anything could set her off. She needs rest... Somewhere quiet and away from prying eyes," Regina told her.

"I know the perfect place," Henry said.

"I think, Henry, Brooke and I should take her there, come on," Killian said and he helped Emma to stand then Brooke, Killian, Emma and Henry left the room.

Later in the morning, Brooke and Killian walked together arm in arm as they followed Henry through the forest to a stable with Emma beside him.

"Come on," Henry said, "Keep going, we're almost there."

Darkness Is In [OUAT || Two Saviours Series #5 || Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now