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Brooke and Killian walked down the street to Granny's, they held hands as they both pushed the pram together.

"When we get to Granny's, I think it's best if you wait outside," Brooke said.

"Aye, Regina, Robin's death... It can't be easy for her," Killian said.

"And seeing you back when that's not possible for him?" Brooke said.

"Fate is cruel," Killian said.

"It could push her over the edge, she cursed an entire kingdom when she lost her first love," Brooke said.

"Yeah but she's changed much since then," Killian said.

"I know, but I still need to break the news about you carefully. It's the right thing to do," Brooke said and looked at him.

"I know," He said.

Brooke kissed his cheek with a smile, "I love you," She whispered pushed the pram to the others. She took Alicia out of the pram and walked inside.

Brooke saw Regina with Zelena and walked over to Regina, "Regina," She said.

"Brooke, please, I've already had enough people feeling sorry for me today," Regina said.

"I know, I just need to talk to you somewhere. It's kind of delicate and important," Brooke said.

Suddenly, blue beams shot down from the sky making the whole town shake.

"What the hell was that?" Emma asked.

Brooke held Alicia close when Killian ran in, "Lyn! Is everything okay?" Killian asked as everyone looking shocked.

"Hook," Henry said. 

"What the bloody hell's the pirate doing here?" Zelena asked.

"We thought we left you in the Underworld," Emma said.

"Aye, you did, but now I'm back," Killian said.

Brooke cautiously looked at Regina as she looked at Brooke, "Delicate, as always," Regina said.

"Regina... I didn't mean..." Brooke said.

"I'm used to suffering, Brooke," Regina interrupted her, "And I'm used to others getting their way. Right now, neither one of our feelings matter. Given that blast of magic, there's only one person, not present who's powerful enough for something like that," Regina said.

"Agreed," Brooke said and walked to Tink, "Tink..." Tink looked at her and smiled before taking Alicia.

Minutes later, they all went to the clocktower where there was a hole at the top.

"Gold, he's got the Olympian Crystal, or part of it, anyway. Some of it must have survived. I can still feel the aura from it," Zelena said.

"He used it to case a tethering spell," Regina said.

"Tethering spell? What was Gold attaching the crystal to?" Emma asked.

"Storybrooke's magic, that's why he cast a spell here," Regina said.

"With that crystal, he can harness all of this town's magic for his own purpose," Zelena said.

"Gold already has the power of all the Dark Ones, why does he need more?" David asked.

"To wake Belle, true love's kiss didn't work because she doesn't want to be with him," Brooke said.

"Aye, and once the Crocodile wakes Belle, do you think he'll stop there?" Killian said as Regina looked at Brooke, "Do you think he'll just turn the bloody crystal and all of its power over to us?" 

Darkness Is In [OUAT || Two Saviours Series #5 || Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now