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Brooke was in the Charming apartment watching Alicia with Killian holding Brooke close. David and Mary Margaret walked in, they looked like they've been rushing.

"Brooke, Killian," David said and they looked at him, "We have a way to talk to Neal... And a way for you two to talk to Alicia... Or haunt... Or whatever?" David said.

"What?" Killian said and Brooke sat up straight.

"The Blind Wich told us that the booth by the bus stop is used to haunt the living. You just pick up and tell the operator who you wish to contact," David said, "We're going to talk to Neal... Do you two want to join us?" 

Regina walked over and looked at Killian and Brooke, "It's up to the two of you, Emma, Robin and myself can help Henry write the story," Regina said.

Emma nodded, "Go, go talk your daughter," Emma said.

Killian looked at Brooke, "Do you want to, love?" Killian asked.

"Yeah, the less I use my magic the easier my life becomes down here," Brooke said and stood up.

Killian and Brooke left with David and Snow as Emma, Regina, Robin and Henry continued to re-write Hades' stories.

Minutes later, Snow, David, Brooke and Killian were in the line for the phone booth.

Killian turned to David and Snow, "How does this even work?" Killian asked.

"I don't know how much time it gives us," David said.

Killian looked at Brooke as they held each other's hand tightly, "Any ideas?" Killian asked her.

"I have no idea," Brooke said, "But we'll find out," She said as they took a step closer to the booth. 

David turned to the man behind him and Snow, "Uh, excuse me. Do you know how this works I mean, on the other side?" David asked.

The man looked at David, "No idea, I don't even know if the messages get through. I hope so or I have wasted a lot of time these past 30 years," The man told David.

"Alright," David said and turned to Brooke and Killian, "Go on you two."

Brooke nodded and she and Killian walked into the booth, Killian shut the door as Brooke picked up the phone. 

"Hello and welcome to the haunting hotline, who would you like to haunt?" The operator asked.

"Alicia Jones," Brooke said as Killian placed his hand on her waist.

"Haunting Alicia Jones... Please begin your haunting," The operator said.

Brooke looked at Killian and turned to the phone to Killian who smiled at her. Killian began singing an old sea-shanty to Alicia causing Brooke to smile at him.

"I love you, sweetheart, mommy and daddy will be home soon princess," Killian said.

"Mommy and daddy are fighting every hard to get back to you Alicia. We love you so much, be a good girl for your fairy godmother and your godfather... We miss you," Brooke said and hummed a lullaby softly.

"Sleep well, princess," Killian said.

"Sleep tight," Brooke said before putting the phone back and they stepped out of the booth. 

David and Snow walked in and Brooke and Killian hugged each other as they waited for Snow and David haunted Neal.

Later, Emma was sat in front of the two couples as they told her what happened.

"You... Can do that? You can talk to the real world?" Emma asked.

"Yes," Brooke said.

"That's amazing," Emma said.

"Well, no, I don't know. We don't know if it worked," Snow said.

"Well, at least we tried," David said.

"I just need him to hear our voices," Snow said.

"We know that feeling," Brooke said and hugged Killian who held her close.

Emma stood up, "They both will, as soon as we make it back home," Emma said.

"When will that be? We went through this with you two. For all those years, if you two just heard out voices... Would that have made a difference, knowing someone out there loved you?" Snow asked.

"I'm sorry to change the subject but another issue has turned up," Emma said and the four gave her their full attention, "Zelena's back and she got Baby Hood. Regina and Robin went to get Baby Hood back from Zelena as it's not safe. We think that Hades wants Robin's baby for something bad," Emma said.


Bella, Robin and Regina were back in the Charming apartment. Regina and Robin were fawning over Baby Hood, while Belle and Emma sat at the table with Snow and David. Brooke and Killian were sat on the couch together.

Regina gasped, "She has your eyes," Regina said.

"So, does she have a name yet?" Belle asked.

"No, not yet. I can't, Hades can do things with names," Robin said.

Brooke and Killian got up and walked over to the others, "Like put them on tombstones to keep people from leaving here," Regina said.

"I don't even think it's wise to keep her in this apartment. I mean, what if Zelena changed her mind?" Robin asked.

"I hate to be the one to offer optimism, but it sounds like she was sincere," Killian said.

"Hook's right, I mean she cried," David said.

"Yeah, you can't be emotional like that while faking it," Brooke said.

"She was sincere, but that doesn't mean what she knows can't come back to bite us. Robin's taking her to the forest," Regina said.

"Honestly, it's the only place I've ever felt really at home," Robin said.

Henry entered the room hurriedly as he carried more papers in his hands, "It happened! It happened again!" Henry sighed, "Take a look," Henry said and shows pages of Baby Neal and Alicia.

"Snow, Brooke, look at these," David said and handed Snow the picture of Baby Neal.

Brooke took the pages of Alicia and looked at them, "How did..." Brooke looked at Henry.

"It just happened," Henry told her, "I just don't remember, it just... Wrote itself, as it does."

Emma took the page about Neal, "The infant son of Snow White and Prince Charming looked up at the tiny glass unicorns as they stirred by the wind. But on this night, he didn't hear the chime of the crystal. Instead, he heard the voices of his mother, Snow White, and his father, Prince Charming. They sang a lullaby until he fell asleep as soundly as if he were in their arms," Emma read out aloud.

"He heard us" Snow sighed, "He heard us," Snow said with her eyes watery and she looked at Brooke and Killian who were reading the pages about Alicia, "Did Alicia?"

Killian took a deep breath, "The infant daughter of Brooklyn Swan and Killian Jones looked up at a painting of the Jolly that Brooklyn had painted many years ago. The baby girl saw the sea in the painting move as if she was looking through a window, but instead of hearing the water crashing together. She heard her father, Killian Jones, singing a sea-shanty to her and then heard her mother, Brooklyn Swan, humming a lullaby, until their infant daughter made a sound before she fell asleep," Killian read out to the others.

Brooke looked at Henry and smiled wiping away her tears, "Thank you, Henry," She said.

"I don't know about anyone else, but I am really ready to get back home to my family, my whole family. No more waiting, we can save ourselves. We're going to take down Hades and we're going to do it now," Snow said.

Darkness Is In [OUAT || Two Saviours Series #5 || Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now