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You Are Now In Your Second Year And Your Ankle Is Healed

I sighed and knocked on Eita's dorm door. He answered with a big smile

Eita: What's up shorty?

You: Can we talk?

He nodded. We went up to the school roof top and sat there for a bit before I got the courage to talk to him.

You: I can play soccer again...

Eita: Meaning?

You: I have to choose between soccer, or stay the manager.

Eita's eye's widened. He gave me a shocked look while I avoided eye contact with him.

Eita: Do the other guys know?

You: No. I wanted to talk to you first and get your opinion.

Eita: hmm.. I don't want to hurt you, but I want you to stay as the manager..

You: Why?

Eita: The guys really like you and we need someone like you leading us. Plus if you get hurt again, who knows if you'd be able to walk a again.

You: I know.. I miss playing though.

Eita: I know you do. I'd much rather see you healthy and walking in the next 10 years than you stuck in a wheelchair and be miserable.

Eita gave me a smile. I gave him a smile as well. That single sentence made up my mind and I was going to stay the manager.

You: Don't tell the guys about this okay?

Eita: I won't. I had something I wanted to tell you too.

You: What is it?

Eita: Do you remember that day last year where you felt like you were being watched?

You: Yeah?

Eita: That was us. You seemed off so we watched you to see if we could find out anything. From what we saw, you were just studying and also taking care of us.

You: You buttheads really followed me around.

Eita: Yeah. Sorry I didn't tell you earlier.

You: It's fine. I can't believe we're already in our second year.

Eita: I can't believe how easily you became friends with everyone but it took me a year.

You: Maybe I just like playing hard to get~

Eita: Haha~ You're a butthead.

You: I know. I got along with the guys so easily which I'm even surprised about.

Eita: What I'm still surprised about is that you and Ushiwaka have been dating for almost a year.

You: It's weird. Feels like just yesterday I met him.

Eita: You've gotten him to ease up and he talks to us more. I don't know how you did it, but you actually made him less of a volleyball idiot.

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