24/The Soft Giant

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Time Skip To Winter

I was so excited~

The snow was so beautiful and the glass on the house was fogged up. I love winter! It's so pretty. Sure it's cold, but it's beautiful. Beautiful out ways the cold.


The guys are coming over for our weekend movie hang out like usual. Every weekend they come over and we watch movies and play games together. Saturday is the day everyone has off of work and Ushi's volleyball season isn't happening yet so it's perfect.

I was making food for the guys while they were playing games in the living room. Hearing them from the kitchen is funny. It's like we are teenagers again.

It's been about like what.. 4 years since we graduated? I'm still the shortest and I hate it. Most of the guys are 6 foot now while I haven't.

They all still look the same though. Tall, built, and their faces are the same, just more masculine and grown. The cutest thing, Tendo wears his hair down now. Like it's so cute~

I finished up the food and set it all out in the table for them. I called them all into the dining room for them to eat.

They all sat down and thanked me before eating. I smiled and cleaned up the house while they ate. They told me to sit down and eat with them but I said that I was fine while I continued cleaning up the house and just doing daily chores.

Tendo: She's become very uhh, "domestic" lately.

Reon: You've got a point.

Hayato: Maybe she's just in mother mode.

Jin: It's been like a month though. Every time we come over she seems like she's in mother mode.

Eita: Ushi, is she uh, having a baby?

Ushiwaka: No. We didn't plan on having kids yet.

Tendo: Well have you made sure that she isn't having a kid?

Ushiwaka: No. If she is then I wouldn't mind.

I walked downstairs and walked by the guys about to go in the living room. Eita called me over so I walked over to them.

Eita: Question.

You: Answer.

Eita: Haha. No but seriously we have some questions.

You: Ask away.

Reon: Why do you seem so "domestic" lately.

You: Cause I like a clean house and taking care of you guys.

Hayato: Okay well, is there a chance you could be pregnant?

You: That's a question for Wakatoshi.

Ushiwaka: Have you taken your birth control?

You: I told you that I was switching my birth control cause it gave me those bad headaches. My prescription hasn't come in yet.

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