Chapter 1: Truth Laser

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No one's POV

"Uh-uhm...Iruma-san...if you don't mind me asking, what are you doing?" Kiibo asked as he timidly peeked over Iruma's shoulder. Loud whirring noises came from the table where Iruma was doing...well, whatever she was doing. Bright orange sparks flew out from the table, making Kiibo jump back in fear, although he was a robot himself.

"Not now Kiibo, I'm busy." Iruma replied. "And if you're so scared, why did you even come here anyways?"
"Y-You were the one who brought me here though..."
"Ahah!" Kiibo was interrupted by Iruma yelling in triumph. "It's done! It's finally done! Kiibo, how about you help me get Ouma's lying little ass here. It'll save me a lot of trouble!"

"Why do you need Ouma-kun, Iruma?" Kiibo asked, rather confused. He'd never seen her get along with Ouma before, so he was quite puzzled as to why Iruma would want to show him what she'd created. The robot wondered if it was to show off her new creation.
"No time for questions, just go get him!" Iruma yelled at him. Kiibo then promptly left the Ultimate Lab, heading over to the dining hall. Sure enough, the small purple-haired boy was sitting at one of the tables, drinking some grape Panta.

"Ouma-kun!" The robot called out to the Panta-loving boy. He looked over to the robot, smirking as soon as he realized who it was. "Hello there, Kiiboy~" Ouma greeted him. "Are you still trying to imitate human life? Man, you never get tired of trying, do you?"

"Th-That's a robophobic comment! Discrimination!" Kiibo yelled, before remembering what he came here for. "Nevermind that, Iruma-san said that she wanted to see you in her lab." Kiibo saw the small boy's face show some sign of curiosity, before falling back into his grinning mask.

"Nishishi! Is she going to tell me that she found a way to get you a dick?"

"T-That's not the reason at all! A-And even if it was, I would never allow that to happen!" Kiibo was close to screaming, his face completely flushed. Tojo looked over curiously from the kitchen where she was making lunch, and upon noticing this, Kiibo's face seemed to turn even redder.

"Yeah, I figured. 'Cuz if she did, I'm sure she would be announcing it to everyone herself instead of sending you out for her." Ouma jumped up from his seat, leaving the empty Panta bottle on the table. "Well, let's go then! I'm sure whatever Iruma has to show me will be exciting!"

[A timeskip sponsored by my decreasing sanity]

"Iruma-san! I brought Ouma-kun, just like you said." Kiibo told the inventor as he and Ouma entered the lab. Ouma, who never seemed to play by anyone's rules, began touching and tinkering with the many inventions that filled the room. He was about to flip the switch of some mysterious machine when his hand got slapped away by Iruma. Kokichi glared up at her, rubbing his wrist. "Ouch! That hurt Iruma-san! Do you know how many of your slutty germs I could've gotten just from that?" He whined loudly.

Ouma was surprised when Iruma didn't start squealing and moaning when he called her a slut. Instead she smiled at him menacingly, holding up a...wait, is that a gun? "Behold, my truth laser! It's so strong, it can even make lying little abortions like you start spitting out the truth!" Iruma laughed.
"I doubt that actually works. Even if it did, I'll probably just get over it within a day or so." Ouma said nonchalantly, putting his arms behind his head. Kiibo was getting very concerned- how was Ouma able to remain so relaxed and calm?

Ouma's POV

I was scared. No, not just scared. I was beyond terrified. If that piece of junk actually works, that would be the end of my plan to rat out the mastermind. Everyone would no doubt ask me about why I lied so much, and then they would all know my plan. The mastermind would keep a close eye on me for sure, which mean that it would be game over for me.

I kept my smiling mask on as Iruma pointed the laser at me. "Time to find out why you're such a lying little jackass! Say goodbye to your disgusting little lies!" She yelled. She pulled the trigger, and then there was a bright light.

I didn't really get to see much after that.

Hey, some A/N stuff :)
In this book, the characters call each other by their last name, but since I'm an idiot and can't remember who uses '-chan', '-san', and '-kun' (example, Amami-chan), I'll be writing them based on what I think they would use. Forgive me for being so stupid, Atua.

Experiment Gone Wrong [Female!Kokichi x Shuichi] (DISCONTINUED)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя