Chapter 6: Truth Laser 2.0

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Saihara's POV


I was bewildered at the sight before me. Ouma- who (to my knowledge at least) had always been a male, stood in front of me with shoulder-length hair, looking more feminine than I had ever seen him. Ouma hurriedly tugged his hood over his head, glaring at me before running in the direction of the dorms. I didn't run after him; I was still trying to process everything I had just seen.

Did Ouma's hair just...grow longer? No way, I mean- I just saw him with his normal hairstyle yesterday morning! There's no way his hair can just miraculously grow longer.
...I must have been imagining things.

I trudged back to the cafeteria, spotting Momota and Harukawa still sitting at the table. Iruma was with them, ranting on about something.
"...I fired the laser at him, but he only got knocked out! The fuckin' experiment didn't work at all!" Iruma whined, pulling on a handful of hair in anger.
"Are you sure?" Harukawa asked. "He seemed kinda odd this morning, maybe the laser's kicking in."

"Hey Iruma-san, can I...ask you something?" I mumbled.
"Ask away, Pooichi!"
"'s about Ouma-kun. Y'know how you shot him with the truth laser yesterday? He's been acting a little weird-"
"Get to the point, Cuckhara!" Iruma snapped, slamming her hands against the table. "This hot bod has better things to do besides listening to guys like you ramble on!"

"A-Ah! Uh, could you make another truth laser? It doesn't have to last for long, just...long enough so I can ask Ouma-kun a few questions."

"Hell yeah!" Iruma yelled. "This girl genius will have it done by tonight, just you wait!" Iruma dashed off to her lab, yelling about revenge or something.
"Well, that was...something..." Harukawa muttered under her breath.
"Good thinking, sidekick!" Momota stood up and gave me a pat on the back. Well, it was more of a slap, but in an affectionate way. "Now we can ask Ouma some questions for real!" I rubbed my throbbing back, giving Momota a small smile.

Maybe I could ask Ouma about what happened earlier...

[Time skip brought to you guys by my sudden motivation to write]

Iruma called me over to her lab before dinner, saying she managed to give her previous truth laser an 'upgrade'.
"You're gonna love this, Cuckhara!" She squealed. "We can use this when Ouma comes out for dinner. I modified it so that it'll work a hundred percent! It'll only work for about a minute or two, but it's still something, right?"
"It's amazing Iruma-san! Thank you for your help." I left Iruma to her stuttering and walked over to the cafeteria. Iruma had told me that she wanted to be the one to shoot Ouma with the laser, and who was I to say no? (Saihara your boyfriend's about to get killed and you're not gonna do anything about it?)

I sat at the same table with Momota and Harukawa, patiently waiting for Ouma's arrival. Soon enough, the small purple-haired leader came skipping in with his purple cat hoodie on, laughing his signature "Nishishi~!" It was kinda cute to be honest.

Wait what.

"Hey everyone!" Ouma practically sang out, placing his hands behind his head. Chabashira groaned and rolled her eyes while Yumeno looked away pointedly. Tojo and Gonta greeted him happily, but as though on cue, Iruma burst into the cafeteria, holding up her truth laser like a gun.
"Eat shit, Ouma!" Iruma exclaimed before pulling the trigger.

Everything went blinding white for a few moments. I blinked slowly as my eyes adjusted to the dimming flash of light. Suddenly, Yumeno screamed- a high pitch scream that would get anyone out of a coma. There, on the ground lay Ouma with his head bleeding. Not only that, but his hood had fallen off too, exposing his shoulder-length hair. Guess what I saw this morning wasn't fake.

"Ouma head must have start bleeding from hitting ground too hard!" Gonta cried. "Gonta help take Ouma to nurse's office!"
"Wait, no!" Chabashira stopped the larger male. "He's waking up!"

Ouma was indeed beginning to stir. He mumbled a little as he sat up, his purple eyes that were normally full of mischief and life, were now dull and lifeless. He stared blankly at the ground as everyone else watched him expectantly, until I remembered what Ouma was shot with.
"Ouma, what...happened to you?"

"Iruma shot me with her laser yesterday morning." Ouma replied, no 'Nishishi~!' or anything. "It turned me into a girl."
"What? He's gotta be lying, right?" Momota gave an awkward chuckle.
"Oh fuck you! Did you forget that this is a truth laser? Of course he's telling the truth, dumbass!"

"A-Are you really a girl now, Ouma?" Yumeno whispered. Of course, no one could hear her over Iruma and Momota's arguing, but Ouma's head snapped up as soon as Yumeno had said his- ah, her name.
"Mhm. I'm a girl now."
Iruma eventually gave up on talking sense into Momota, and everyone quietened down. Ouma continued to stare at the ground for a little while before suddenly snapping back into reality. He- uh, she jumped up, pulling her hood over head defensively.

"Don't talk to me." She growled, turning and running back into the dorms with her head still bleeding. She didn't even get to eat dinner.

"Man, what's his- I mean, her problem?" Momota said, scratching his head. Harukawa slapped his forearm, calling him an idiot. (Thank you, Maki)

Well, my appetite was definitely gone now. I sighed and headed back to the dorms as well.

This chapter seems to be even worse than the other ones, but I've lost my sudden motivation and now I just feel like dying.
Also, some of you need to go to sleep. I don't want people staying up till 3am here >:(
Kirumom mode has been activated, now go to sleep before I end you all

Wow, who knew not getting enough sleep made you feel like you were on crack-

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