Chapter 2: Drastic Changes

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Ouma's POV

White. White was all I could see before it all went dark. What happened? Why...does my head hurt so much? I felt like my head was going to burst from the pain and aching, and the ringing in my ears was just pure torture. Eventually, everything toned down, and I managed to lift up my heavy eyelids a little.

"! Ou...-kun! ...ake up!" Everything was muffled, so I couldn't hear very well. Someone was shaking me, although I could barely feel it. I cracked open my eyelids a little more to see better. Kiibo, Iruma the slut and...Saihara? What was he doing here? His golden eyes looked so concerned and worried for adorable.

I could feel the heat rush to my face, and just as that happened, my senses seemed to return to me. "Ouma! Ouma! Are you alright?" I heard Kiibo ask me, but I wasn't paying attention to the crappy piece of scrap metal. My eyes were on Saihara as he stared back at me.
"Ouma, your face looks really red, are you feeling alright?" He reached out to touch my forehead. I could feel myself heat up even more. I could become a microwave if I got any warmer.

"Ouma!" Saihara immediately pulled his hand away. "I think you have a fever! Do you need to go to the nurse's office?"
"There's no need for that, my beloved Saihara-chan!" I yelled, jumping up. The last thing I wanted at the moment was Saihara having to worry about me. "I'll just head over to my dorm room for some rest. I'm sure that I'll be fine." I walked out of the lab but stopped at the entrance. I turned around to face Iruma, smiling cheekily. "By the way, cum dumpster, your stupid truth laser didn't work at all! I can lie just fine! Nishishi~"

I laughed at the face of anger Iruma made, running out the lab before she could get her dirty hands on me. I sped over to the dorms and locked myself in my room, sighing in relief. No, it wasn't because Iruma had managed to chase me down- the whore could hardly run that fast without bitching about it. It was because Saihara had cared enough to ask me if I was alright. Well, of course Kiibo had done the same, but I don't really care about junk like him.

I had told Saihara-chan that I would have a rest in my dorm room, but now that I think about it, a nap doesn't seem so bad. I'd grown tired after running away from a cranky Iruma, after all. I flopped down on my bed, pulling my blanket over my head. Man, what wouldn't I give to have Saihara-chan in my bed! We could cuddle, and kiss each other, and whatever it is that couples do. (Don't get any ideas, horny bastards)

I yawned, curling up into a little ball as I drifted off to sleep.

[Time skip brought to you by the spider on my ceiling]

I groaned, stretching as soon as I woke up. Jeez, what in the world was tickling my neck? I swiped whatever it was off, trying to chill out under the covers. It didn't come off, continuing to tickle and irritate my neck. I grunted and sat up on my bed, pulling on the little pest. Instead of finding a hairy spider or something along the lines of a stubborn insect, I had grabbed a handful of purple hair.

"What the fuck is this?" I asked out loud, before clapping a hand over my mouth. The hell? Was my voice higher? No, it can't be. I rushed over to my bathroom, getting a good look at myself in the mirror.
It, but different. My hair was still sticking up all over the place, but it had somehow grown up to my shoulders. My clothes, that have been able to fit me perfectly well for a good few days now, was now loosely hung over my body. Speaking of my body, was it just me, or had I grown shorter and smaller? I moved closer to my mirror, but something- no, some part of me bumped against the sink. I looked down at my chest, but immediately looked away, blushing madly.

"No no no no no! This has to be a dream! This couldn't possibly be real, right?" I was close to screaming, grabbing my head. Tears had sprung to my eyes, but they didn't fall. I suppose suppressing your tears everyday does that to you.
Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Ouma-kun?" I could hear Tojo-san's voice coming from the opposite side of the door. "I got worried when you didn't come for lunch, so I brought some food for you."
"O-Oh! Thanks, Tojo- I mean Mom!" I hurriedly tried to cover up the fact that I wasn't able to put on my facade in time. "Just put it in my room, I'm kinda doing something right now!" I prayed that she wouldn't ask any questions and do as I said.
"Ouma-kun, your door is locked."

Well shit.

I knew I couldn't just ask her to leave; that would make her suspect me of plotting someone's murder or something. Everyone was already on edge after Amami and Akamatsu's deaths. I sighed as I left the bathroom, opening up the door in such a way you could only see my face. "Hey Mom! Thanks for bringing me lunch!" I grabbed the plate that she held out to me and closed the door.
At least, it would have closed if Tojo didn't stick her foot in to prevent it from shutting.

"Ouma-kun, I can tell something is wrong. Now please, let me in."
"N-Nothing's wrong!" I shouted, desperately trying to push the door shut.

I definitely underestimated Tojo-san's strength. She swung the door open even though I'd pressed my entire body against it in an attempt to keep it closed. I fell to the floor with an "Oof!", and now Tojo was standing over me, looming threateningly.

"Ouma-kun?" Tojo asked in shock. She'd moved over to the side to get a better look at me, which meant that the light from the hallway illuminated the inside of my room, me along with it. There was no way she couldn't notice the changes that had happened to my body in the span of a single nap. "What happened to you?"

Ayy :D
How are y'all doing on this fine day?
I'm currently dying inside

Thanks for reading this crap :>

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