Chapter 4: Glow Up

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No one's POV

Ouma could barely see the red lines on her arm through her tears. Her hand trembled, the box cutter along with it. She shakily dropped it on her desk, staining it with a few red blood drops. Ouma picked up some bandages from underneath her bed- something she knew was going to come in handy, and skillfully wrapped it around her bleeding arm. Ouma had cut herself many times before, so bandaging herself was an easy task.

Just then, knocking came from the door. "Ouma-kun?" Tojo said from the other side of the door. "I brought you dinner. Could you please unlock the door for me?"

"Ah, I'll be right there Tojo-san!" Ouma quickly responded. She grabbed the box cutter and ran to the bathroom, hastily throwing it into the sink with a slight 'clink'. She hurried back to the door, opening it to see Tojo standing outside with a plate of food. Ouma couldn't help but wrinkle her nose. Were those vegetables? Yuck.

"I noticed how you didn't eat much when I brought you lunch today." Tojo said, noticing how Ouma flinched at the smell of vegetables. "So I decided to get you some healthy food."
"But it's gross and I don't like it." Ouma pouted. "I prefer to eat those pancakes you make for me every morning."

"Ouma." Tojo sounded as though she was trying to reason with an angry toddler. "You need to eat something that will give you nutrition."
"Fine..." Ouma sighed in defeat, grabbing the plate from Tojo's hands. She retreated back into the comforts of her room, sitting herself on her bed.
"Make sure you eat everything. I'll be back to check on you."

Ouma groaned. She immediately locked the door after Tojo left and began to eat everything but the vegetables. Ouma grabbed an empty Panta bottle, scooping the 'disgusting slimes' into the bottle's contents. She stuck it into the overflowing trash can, where she was sure Tojo wouldn't think to look. So, when Tojo knocked on the door again, Ouma looked as though she had eaten everything on her plate.

"Good job, Ouma-kun." Tojo said, giving the smaller girl a pat on the head. "You finished everything , even the vegetables."
"It was gross, but I managed to do it." Ouma lied, glowing from the praise Tojo gave her. Tojo smiled and left the room, leaving Ouma alone with her thoughts again.

"Shirogane-san's coming later tonight to give me my clothes." She reminded herself. "Man, I wish she would hurry it up! I'm getting tired of just staring at my ceiling all day."

[Le time skip sponsored by Byakuya Legami]

Ouma laid on her bed, tracing random shapes into her blanket with her door unlocked. Monokuma's nighttime announcement had just played, which meant that Shirogane should be arriving with Ouma's new clothes soon. She wondered what Saihara would think as she drew a heart on her blanket.

The sound of the door opening made Ouma sit up in fear. Despite knowing it was probably Shirogane, she couldn't help but feel anxious. What if someone came in to kill her? What would she do then?
Ouma's eyes widened as soon as she saw the figure standing by the doorway. "S-Saihara-chan?"

"What? I'm not Saihara." Shirogane said, stepping closer to Ouma. Ouma suddenly realized how similar Saihara's and Shirogane's hair colour were. There was a cardboard box in her hands, and Ouma didn't even bother asking her where she had gotten it from.
"Jeez, Shirogane!" Ouma puffed out her now red cheeks, more in embarrassment than anger. "You nearly gave me a heart attack! Did you want to kill me and become a blackened, just like Akamatsu?"

Ouma didn't notice Shirogane's eyes widen in fear. "H-How...d-did you know?" She stuttered a little, glaring at Ouma.
"Hm? What do you mean mean?" Ouma asked, not really paying attention to her. Ouma was trying to calm herself so that her blush didn't get any worse.
"Oh, nevermind. Anyways, here are your clothes."

Shirogane dumped the box into Ouma's arms, who nearly fell under the weight. "Why the hell is this thing so heavy?" She asked, dropping it on her bed and opening it up. Did Shirogane really make all of this in less than a day?
Shirogane stepped forward, helping Ouma to unbox her clothes. They consisted of hoodies, checkered shirts, really short shorts, bras and underwear. Ouma held up one of the many purple hoodies that were in the box, grimacing. "Why do these have cat ears?"

"I thought they would look cute on you! Anyways, the hoodie will help to hide your hair from everyone, so no one will suspect anything."
"Thanks...I guess." Ouma looked mildly impressed by Shirogane as she fiddled with one of the cat ears.

"Oh yeah! Do you need help with putting your bra on? Even someone as plain as me can help with that!"

Ouma flushed at Shirogane's words. "I-I can do it myself, thank you very much!" Ouma yelled. "Y'know what? Get outta my room!" She attempted to push the taller girl out, failing miserably. Ouma silently cursed herself for being so weak. (Maybe if you ate more food, you wouldn't be like this >:( )

"I...take this as my cue to leave?" Shirogane asked uncertainly as she made her way out, hesitating at the doorway.
"Yes. Thank you. Bye." Ouma shoved the cosplayer out with all her might, shutting the door behind her. She made sure the door was locked before returning to the pile of clothes on her bed.

Ouma's POV

I slipped off my oversized shirt, throwing it on then ground. I picked up one of the bras and attempted to put it on. I struggled with the clasp for a long, long time before I got it on properly. I don't regret kicking Shirogane out though, struggling with this is much better than letting her see the scars on my arms and torso. They were absolutely revolting.

I put on a shirt, which had the same checkered pattern as my scarf, before putting on a purple cat-eared hoodie. Then, I slipped off my pants and boxers, putting on the underwear and shorts Shirogane had provided me.
I walked over to the bathroom to get a good look at myself in the mirror. Like Shirogane said, the hoodie helped to hide my shoulder-length hair perfectly. My purple hair blended in well with the hood. I wasn't too sure why she thought of giving me such small shorts though. Thankfully I haven't cut myself there, so there was nothing to hide.

As I rolled over in bed once again, I could already tell tomorrow was going to be a rough day.

I'm sorry that you had to read this hot mess of a chapter :')
Edit: Alright I know Ouma should have cut her hair instead of using a hoodie, but while I was writing this I completely forgot that cutting hair was a thing. Yeah, sorry.

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