Chapter 5: Revealed

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No one's POV

"Rise and shine, ursine!" Ouma groaned as the morning announcement played. She sat up and rubbed her head, making her hood fall. She noticed this and immediately flung it over her head again, as though afraid that someone would walk in on her.

Ouma rolled off her bed and shuffled over to the bathroom, where the bloodied box cutter was still in the sink. She sighed and threw it into the bathtub, telling herself that she'd clean it up later. (Yeah right.) She slowly brushed her teeth and took her time hiding her hair in front of the mirror, before sauntering over to the cafeteria. Basically, she was just trying to delay having to see the others.

Unfortunately for Ouma, everyone was still eating breakfast when she'd peeked inside. She was about to retreat back to her room for the day when someone suddenly shouted. "Hey, isn't that Ouma?"

Atua damn it Momota.

"Heeeeey guys~" Ouma forced out a grin as she stepped into the cafeteria. Ouma could literally feel everyone's eyes drill into him- a not very pleasant feeling to have. "Did you all miss me?"
"Nyeh, not really." Yumeno muttered sleepily. Chabashira nodded along with the small mage's statement. Ouma could see Iruma glaring at her from a distance away, although she didn't pay attention to her- Ouma could hardly care about what the cum dumpster was thinking.

"What's with the new clothes, Ouma?" Yonaga asked.
"Oh! Well, my old clothes felt a little uncomfy on me, so I asked Shirogane to help me make some new ones! I told her I wasn't picky, so this was what she came up with." Ouma lied. Luckily, the artist didn't seem to notice.
"Atua thinks that it looks great on you, and so do I!" Yonaga gave a cheery laugh from where she was seated.

"Is it me, or does Ouma's voice sound different?" Momota whispered to Saihara and Harukawa, who were sitting next to him.
"Maybe he's still sick." Harukawa said, not looking up from her plate. "I think colds' do that to your voice sometimes."
"I-I'll check with him later, maybe." Saihara mumbled.

"Hey Saihara-chan!" Without the three noticing, the small purple haired leader had grabbed a chair and sat herself next to the detective. Her action received a murderous glare from Harukawa, which Ouma retaliated with her sticking out her tongue mockingly.
"H-Hey, Ouma." Saihara took a deep breath before continuing, trying to sound assertive. "I want to talk to you after breakfast."
"Ooh~ Saihara-chan wants to talk to me? How exciting!" Ouma exclaimed. Saihara just sighed and waited for Ouma to finish her breakfast.

Saihara watched as the smaller 'boy' chewed on the pancakes that Tojo had brought 'him'. It seemed quite...forced. Saihara also couldn't help but notice that Ouma looked a little...shorter? 'His' chest also seemed to either have two small bumps, or two very big bruises. Saihara wondered if Ouma had gotten into a fight or something. Poor Ouma.
Edit: Alright just so you know, I was cringing the entire time I was writing this paragraph (please don't kill me)

"Hey Saihara-chan, I'm done!" Ouma's voice snapped the detective out of his thoughts. "Let's go let's go let's go!" Ouma eagerly jumped out of her chair and ran off to return her plate to Tojo. Ouma followed closely behind Saihara as he lead her down the secluded hallway, before the detective stopped and grabbed Ouma's arms.

"I'm holding onto you so you can't run away." Saihara told the small leader. "Now, tell me what happened."
"Yesterday morning, I saw you get hit by Iruma's laser. Later on, I saw Tojo asking Shirogane to make new clothes for you. Not to mention you didn't show up for both lunch and dinner. What's going on?"
"Nothing's 'going on', Saihara-chan!" Ouma said as she struggled to free herself from the taller male's tight grasp. "Everything's fine."
"Saying that just makes me more suspicious of you..."

Ouma aimed a quick, sharp kick at Saihara's leg, causing him to let go momentarily. Ouma turned and ran, but Saihara managed to reach out and grab Ouma's shoulder. "You're not leaving until you tell me." Saihara said menacingly. It somewhat reminded Ouma of Harukawa.

Ouma jerked away from Saihara's hand. However, the small action caused a certain part of Ouma's hoodie to fall off.

Specifically the hood.

Sorry for the filler guys, I'll try to make the next chapter more interesting :')
If I don't die from exams first, that is

Experiment Gone Wrong [Female!Kokichi x Shuichi] (DISCONTINUED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora