Chapter 8: Fluff

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No one's POV

"W-What?" Saihara stuttered, too stunned for words. Kokichi rolled her eyes.
"Seriously Shumai?" She'd grumble. "I'd at least expect you to have some brains. Y'know, since you're the Ultimate Detective?" Kokichi had put heavy emphasis on the 'detective' part, and Saihara couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

"S-Sorry...I should have known..."
"It's alright Saihara-chan!~" Kokichi chirped happily, placing her hands behind her head like she usually did. She ignored the fact that her right arm had blood spilling out of it and was currently staining her hoodie. Blood from the gash on Kokichi's thigh had also made its way onto the covers of Saihara's bed without the two noticing. "I'll make an exception for your stupidity because I love you! Or maybe I'm lying!" She'd give a dramatic gasp.

"We should get you patched up first." Saihara purposely ignored the part about Ouma confessing her 'love' to him. He walked over to a drawer and opened it, pulling out a roll of bandages, some gauze and disinfectant. He carefully cleaned and applied the disinfectant to Ouma's wounds on her arm and thigh, bandaging them up. However since Saihara didn't really have much medical knowledge, the bandage was somewhat loose and poorly wrapped up.

"You really suck at this, Shumai." Ouma commented, inspecting the bandage. "I guess it isn't too bad though, I've definitely seen worse!" The small leader let out a giggle, and Saihara couldn't help but feel a little...disturbed? He wasn't even sure if that was the right word to use— his heart felt like there were butterflies fluttering inside him, and his face felt warm to the touch.

"So...what now?" Saihara asked, looking away slightly. Ouma tilted her head to the side like a confused puppy. "I mean, you can't exactly return to your room now, with your supposed killer being somewhere out there at the moment. And it's way to dangerous for you to stay alone anyways!"
"Ooh~ Is Saihara-chan worried about my safety? I'm flattered!" Ouma laughed her signature 'Nishishi!~'.

"T-That's not the point!" Saihara's face was completely red at this point, and he attempted to hide his face in his shirt since he didn't have his hat anymore. "What I was trying to ask was where you were going to stay the night!"
"Well..." Ouma trailed off, deep in thought. Then her eyes suddenly lit up, and she looked at Saihara with stars in her eyes. "I'll stay with you tonight then, Saihara-chan!"

"W-What? No way in hell am I letting you stay here!"
"Don't be so mean, Shumai!" Ouma pouted mockingly as she hugged a pillow. "Didn't you say that it was too dangerous for me out there? If I can't go back, then I'll just have to stay here!"
"I-I'm not g-going to share my bed with you!"
"Then sleep on the floor!"

After a bit of arguing back and forth, Saihara soon found himself in his bed next to Ouma. Ouma had been forced by Saihara to change out of her bloodied clothes, so now she lay in nothing but Saihara's oversized shirt and her shorts that were— thankfully— clean and not covered in blood.

"Nishishi! This is exciting!" Ouma whispered. "I wonder what dirty things Saihara-chan is going to do to me in bed!~"
Saihara's face flushed a deep, dark red. "I-I'm not planning to do anything to you!"
"Geez Shumai! You're killing the mood."

It wasn't long before Ouma fell asleep. It wasn't surprising— after all, she did just get attacked by a mystery man (or woman) and had lost quite the bit of blood. Saihara, however, seemed to be having trouble getting to sleep. For one, his heart was pounding, and he couldn't take his eyes off of Ouma's sleeping state. Saihara subconsciously brushed his hand against Ouma's cheek.

"Her's so soft." He mumbled to himself. Had Ouma's skin always been this soft, or was it only after the transformation? Whatever the answer, Saihara didn't care. He wanted to hug her, to know what it was like to get close to someone like Ouma. He would have done so, but he didn't wish to disturb her, not while she looked so peaceful and relaxed.

Saihara carefully placed a hand on Ouma's sleeping figure, rubbing comforting circles on her back gently. "Thank you, Ouma." He'd murmur. "Thank you...for coming to me when you needed help. For trusting me to give you the medical attention you needed."
Saihara took a deep, shuddering breath. "And I'm sorry...for what happened earlier during dinner. It was wrong of me to force the truth out of you, especially when you weren't ready to share it yet. I hope you'll forgive me." Saihara wasn't sure why he said those words, Ouma couldn't hear them anyways. But just then, a tiny smile crept onto the purple-haired girl's face, although Saihara thought it was just a part of his imagination.

Alright, here's the Saiouma/Oumasai fluff you guys ordered.
Don't worry, I'm not dead yet. As long as I live, this book will live too! I'm not that easy to get rid of.
Thank you all for the support on this book, and a little secret here: I'm planning on another Saiouma/Oumasai fanfic, but don't tell anyone! *wink wonk*

Imagine if I killed off Ouma though-

Experiment Gone Wrong [Female!Kokichi x Shuichi] (DISCONTINUED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant