Chapter 3: Secrets

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I will be calling Ouma a 'she' now, because I have author powers and none of you can stop me >:)

Tojo's POV

" was Iruma-san's truth laser that did this to you?" I asked the petite boy- I mean, girl. Ouma slowly nodded her head as she awkwardly rubbed her arm, tears threatening to spill.
"Please don't tell anyone about this, Tojo-san." Ouma begged me, trembling a little. "I'm a whole lot smaller now, and I'm scared something will happen to me, Tojo!"

I'd never seen this side of Ouma before, so weak and vulnerable. I couldn't help but give her a hug, comforting her and telling her that everything was going to be fine. When I pulled away from the hug, Ouma was crying- a few teardrops had trickled down her cheeks. They dripped off her face and onto her shirt, which was when I noticed how big Ouma's clothes were on her new body.

"Stay here, Ouma-kun." I instructed her, getting off the floor where the two of us had just been sitting. Ouma tilted her head as she looked up at me, puzzled I assumed. "I will be going to get new clothes for you, as yours seems too big. And eat your food while I'm gone, please." I gestured to the plate of food I had brought for Ouma earlier.

With that, I bowed and left the room in search of a certain blue haired girl. If anyone knew how to make clothes, she definitely did.

[Small time skip sponsored by a Nagito-shaped cloud]

"Shirogane-san!" I called out to her in the secluded hallway. "I require your assistance in making some clothes."
"Ah, Tojo-san! That's amazing! I'll just need to take your measurements and you can get your new clothes in a week or so." The blue-haired girl spoke excitedly, bouncing up and down on her feet.
"My apologies, Shirogane-san, but these clothes are not for me. They are for..." I walked closer to her before whispering to her. "Ouma." (Hey there little momma lemme whisper in your ear)

I turned around and headed to Ouma's dorm room, with Shirogane following close behind me.
Little did I know, a pair of golden-eyes had been watching our conversation.

No one's POV

Shirogane squealed as soon as she caught sight of Ouma sitting on her bed. "You're so cute!" She exclaimed, running up to the purple-haired female to rub her head. Tojo stayed behind to lock the door, noticing the lunch plate that she had left on Ouma's table. Only a few bites were taken out of it, making Tojo sigh. She would need to keep a close eye on Ouma's eating habits.

"You're so small, so huggable!" Shirogane cooed, attempting to get close to Ouma as she pushed her away. "Get away from me! Don't touch me!" Ouma would whine, before the Ultimate Cosplayer would say something like "Your voice is so feminine now!" or "Your hair is so pretty!" (Honestly, I would do the same)

Tojo gave a small cough, snapping Shirogane back to reality. "Uhm, Shirogane-san, the measurements for Ouma?"
"Oh, right!" Shirogane pulled out some measuring tape from who knows where. "Now Ouma, I'll need you to get off your bed and...uh...take off your clothes."

"Fuck no! Like hell I'm stripping in front of two high school girls!" Ouma yelled, crawling further up her bed.
Tojo turned around to face the wall. "Don't worry Ouma, I won't be looking at you. Just listen to Shirogane and do as she says."
"Yeah, c'mon Ouma, just do it! You won't be able to head out in those clothes; the others would know what happened to you."

Ouma groaned and leapt off the bed. "You promised you wouldn't tell anyone about this, Tojo!"
"I apologize, Ouma-kun. But I had to tell Shirogane-san so she could make new clothes for you."
Ouma let out a sigh, and began throwing her clothes off.

[Another time skip brought to you, sponsored by the Hope Bagel Foundation]

"Alright, I've got everything I need now, thanks Ouma!" Shirogane said as she picked up a piece of scrap paper that she had been writing Ouma's measurements on. "I would usually take about a week to make them, but since this seems to be an emergency, I'll try to finish everything by tonight!"

"Thank you, Shirogane-san." Tojo said, bowing a perfect 90 degrees. Even Ouma mumbled a little "Thanks." to the cosplayer. "No problem! Oh yeah Ouma, try not to lock your doors tonight. At least, not until I show up to hand you your clothes."
"Mhm, sure Shirogane."

"Well, I'm off then! Someone as plain as me needs a lot of time to work on this." She said before unlocking Ouma's door and exiting.
"I'll be on my way as well, Ouma-kun. I'll need time to prepare dinner." Tojo told the purple-haired girl before she left.

Ouma sighed and took out a small notebook from her drawer. She flopped down onto the bed with the book, proceeding to write an entry in it.

Iruma shot me with a laser today. Somehow turned me into a girl.
Ate a few bites of lunch today. Not planning on eating anything else though. Tojo's probably going to bring me dinner, so I guess it's a must to eat. For today at least.
Haven't used the box cutter today. Yet.

Ouma shut the book, getting up and throwing it back into the drawer. She climbed back onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling. It took a while, but she finally managed to zone out.

[About an hour later]

Ouma's POV

I groaned in boredom, rolling around in bed. "It's so boring, having to be kept in my room all day while the others get to move around." I huffed. I sat up. I don't need to listen to Tojo or Shirogane, I don't need to play by their rules. Yeah, I can do whatever I want! I repeated those words in my head as I jumped off the bed and headed out of my room. I walked over to the dining hall with my hands beside my head as always, fortunately not running into anyone on the way.

So, what exactly was I going to say when I revealed myself to them? Surely they would immediately know just by looking at me. Maybe I could say "Hey everyone, I miraculously turned into a girl! Nishishi~" or even "Hey Saihara-chan! I'm a girl now, which means you can fuck me!"
For your information, I did check. And yes, I do have a girl part.

I stood in the hallway, hidden from everyone in the dining hall. I was planning to jump out and ambush them when I heard Kiibo's voice. "Ouma still isn't here? Is he still ill, Tojo-san?"
Before she had a chance to reply, Iruma spoke up. "He probably fuckin' died. Not my problem though."
Then Momota... "Yeah, we would all be better off without him."
And afterwards, Chabashira... "Degenerate males like him don't deserve to live! Especially those who make fun of Yumeno-san!"

Comments like these spread quickly throughout the dining hall. The few who didn't completely hate me were trying to stop the harsh words, to no avail. The group consisted of Gonta, Shirogane, Tojo and Saihara. I was really grateful to them for sticking up for me, until I hear Momota yell over the noise. "Guys, we can all agree that Ouma was never useful to us, right? All he did was mess things up, just like in the first trial! We don't need him!"
"Nyeh. Momota's right, Ouma was never really needed here."

"Everyone, I do not appreciate you all speaking of Ouma in this way. No matter how many negative traits she- uh, he has, he is still our friend." Tojo said. I barely heard her though, because I was already walking away. I took slow and quiet steps so that no one would notice me, but as soon as I was far enough, I bolted into a sprint. I sprang into my room and locked it behind me. I would unlock it later for Shirogane.

Why? Why did I feel so sad? I'd been told all these things before, and I'd either laughed or fake-cried at those comments, so why did it hurt now? Was it because my mask was crumbling away by the second? Probably so. As soon as I'd cried in front of Tojo earlier today, I'd felt my facade slipping away.

"He probably fuckin' died." "We would all be better off without him." "Degenerate males like him don't deserve to live!" "All he did was mess things up!" "Ouma was never really needed here."
Those word kept replaying over and over in my head like a broken record. I wished they would stop. I couldn't take it anymore. I yanked open my drawer and pulled out my box cutter.

I guess I know what was to be done next.

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