Chapter 9: It's That Time...

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No one's POV

By the time Saihara was awakened by the morning announcement, Ouma was gone. He searched every corner of the room, but the girl was nowhere to be found. "She must already be in the dining hall..." Saihara mumbled.

When Saihara entered the dining hall, he'd noticed quite a few things off. First of all, Ouma, Chabashira, Yumeno, Yonaga and Tojo were not to be seen anywhere. Secondly, there was a small trickle of blood on the ground that lead from the dining hall back to the dorms. And lastly, whoever else was left in the cafeteria wore faces of shock and confusion. Except for Hoshi and Harukawa, they didn't really seem to care about anything.

"Hey, Momota?" Saihara went up to the taller male and tapped him on the shoulder. "What's going on? Where is Ouma and the others?"
"I'm not too sure myself, sidekick..." Momota said, scratching his head. "All I know is that Chabashira pointed something out to Ouma and he- sorry, she freaked out. The next thing I knew, Tojo and the others had rushed Ouma outta the dining hall!"

"That's...definitely odd..." Saihara mumbled. "I'm going to go check on them."
"You can if ya want to, but Chabashira seemed pretty adamant in not letting any of the guys follow them."
Saihara ignored the warning Momota gave him and sped off back to the dorms, how bad could it be? Well, of course it would be bad if a group of girls had to drag Ouma away, but it wasn't as if she was going to die, right?


Saihara immediately knew that the group was in Ouma's room— they weren't hard to locate, he could hear their voices from the hallway. Saihara knocked on the door. "Hello? What's going on? Is Ouma alright?"

Saihara jumped back when Chabashira opened up the door. "What do you want, degenerate male?" She growled, using her body to block whatever was going on behind the door from Saihara. "There's nothing to see here, so leave before I have to fight you!"

"I-I just want to know if Ouma's alright!" Saihara stuttered out in a panic. Contradicting Chabashira's earlier words, there definitely was something to be seen inside Ouma's room. Although he couldn't look inside, Saihara could hear Ouma's squeaks of fear and pain mixed together.

Chabashira looked like she was ready to bodyslam Saihara to the ground, but a hand on the girl's shoulder stopped her from doing so. Tojo gently moved Chabashira out of the way, so now it was her who faced Saihara through the door crack. "Saihara, there is nothing to worry about. Ouma should be fine now."

"No I'm not!" Ouma yelled from inside the room. "I feel like dyiiiing!" It almost sounded like she was...sobbing? Saihara could make out Yonaga mentioning Atua, but other than that he couldn't really hear what anyone else was saying.

"Tojo-san, I don't think Ouma's alright..."
"Do not worry, Saihara-kun." Tojo bowed slightly. "Ouma is just having cramps. After all, it's that time of the month for her."
"That time?" Saihara asked, confused. That time? What could she possibly mean-


"You don't mean...? Is it-" Saihara could barely sting a sentence together before he was cut off.
"Indeed, Saihara-kun. Ouma is having her period at the moment."

"Waaah! Why'd you have to go and tell him, mom!?" Ouma wailed. Tojo turned around to apologize to Ouma, and that was when Saihara managed to get a glimpse inside of the room. There was a pair of bloodied shorts on the floor and many pads strewn on the floor. However, he didn't get to see much more than that, for he was suddenly grabbed by the arm and swung towards the ground with a great force.

"Hiyaah!" Chabashira yelled over Saihara's yelp of pain. "Don't you know it's rude to peek into a woman's room? Especially when she's in pain and helpless against degenerates like you!?"
"Chabashira-san, I advise you not to do that. Saihara-kun could get severely hurt." Tojo bent down slightly to help Saihara up. "Also, I would like to speak to him about something, so could you do me a favor and help watch over Ouma?"
"Of course, Tojo-san!"

"Let's go, Saihara-kun." Tojo pulled Saihara away from the dorm room. She moved at a quick pace, so Saihara had to take long strides in order to not fall behind.

[A time skip sponsored by the Titty Typhoon]

"What was it that you wanted to talk to me about?" Saihara asked. The two were now in the library— no one visited the library anymore. Not after Amami's death. Even now, the tall stacks of books seemed to be teasing him, mocking his friend's death. It was rather painful to look at the books that were present during the incident.

"It's about Ouma." Saihara's attention was immediately snapped from the piles of books to Tojo. "I'm certain you saw the amount of pain she felt because of her period cramps. And I cannot blame her; it is her first time, after all. But if she were to be...attacked during this time, do you think she would survive?"

"What? How did you know about that?" Saihara queried. "I didn't think she would tell anyone else about it..."

"Oh, she didn't tell me what happened." Tojo said casually. "I did a bit of investigating myself. Did you really think I wouldn't have noticed the bandages on her arm and leg? Despite it being poorly wrapped around the wound, the bandage wasn't too loose, which meant that it was only put on recently. I also found your shirt hastily stuffed under Ouma's pillow, which could only mean that you were the one who Ouma had visited."

" Tojo-san. I didn't expect you to notice all those things..." Saihara nervously rubbed his arm, shivering slightly. He had no idea that Tojo was always this observant.
"Well, as the Ultimate Maid, I am expected to keep an eye out for messes. And I would have you know that I am also quite skilled in first-aid." Tojo smiled.

"Well, about Ouma..."
"I have a request for you, Saihara-kun." Tojo said, her tone serious. "I wish for you to help watch over Ouma, and make sure that she is safe. If someone is targeting her, they would most likely strike again while she is weak— like right now."

"W-Why can't you do it? You seem to have more experience in this than I do!" Saihara panicked. "I can't fight back against Ouma's attacker if they try to kill her again!"
"I would do it myself, but I think you would be more suited for this— Ouma seems to have taken a liking to you." Tojo simply said. "She came to you when she was hurt, so she must trust you very much. This is why I hope you will take my request, Saihara-kun. I cannot help Ouma if she refuses to co-operate with me."

By the time Saihara and Tojo left the library, the blue-haired male had a mission in mind:
Protect Ouma.

Heya! Another chapter done!
Ouma had her period, bet you didn't expect that ;)

Yes, the blood is pink, because why the frick not?

Once again, I will disappear into the void until I get inspiration to write again
Author-chan out! *jumps out a window for my glamorous exit*

Experiment Gone Wrong [Female!Kokichi x Shuichi] (DISCONTINUED)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα