~16~ Changing~2

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I get a text from dad during the middle of the day that he has to work a little late, so I have to take the bus home. Fantastic.

I get home and watch TV until he gets home.

"Hey champ. Sorry about having you take the bus. A case came up and it's a big one," he says, going to his room to change. I know he won't elaborate on the case—He never talks about work around me.

When he comes out in basketball shorts, I know he isn't planning on going anywhere tonight. I'm kinda bummed. I was hoping we would go to the movies or something.

"Did Kennedy and Shay get back in squad cars yet?" I ask, hoping he will give me the juicy details.

Dad looks at me, trying to figure out how much he wants to tell me. "Umm. No. Shay will be off of the desk by next month or so."

"And Kennedy?"

He sighs and scratches his cheek before he answers. "I had to fire him. I found out more details the day after, and I couldn't have him in my unit anymore. Hopefully another agency will pick him up."

He gets up and heads to the kitchen, ending the conversation. That's definitely all the gossip I'll be getting, apparently.

We stay home, watching the game, and dad turns in early. This case must be a big deal; He looks exhausted and stressed out. Good for me, at least. He'll be in a super deep sleep early, making it easier to get out.

I leave around 10:30, getting one of my buddies to pick me up.

"Dude!!! It's been forever!!!" Nick says, giving me a high five as I get in the car.

"I know, man. It feels good to be back. I've gotta lot of time to make up," I say, rolling down the window.

"Wanna hit?" Nick asks, getting a joint out of his pocket.

"Not this time dude. Let me ease back into being a delinquent."

In reality, the warning dad gave me is screaming in my ear pretty loudly. I'm not ready to test him on doing drugs again...yet.

We get to the bar, and I see several more friends there.

"Liam!!!" They all yell, cheering and bowing. It's nice to know that they missed me.

I haven't been sitting down for long—Twenty minutes, half an hour, and I've only finished one beer. I'm starting on my second one when I hear...


Shit! I know that voice. Lieutenant Taylor Preston. Only me. Seriously half an hour into my first illegal act as a free man, and I'm getting busted? What a sick joke.

I turn around slowly, trying to work up the courage to look at him. All my friends have stopped talking, with fear on their faces too.

"I think you have me confused with someone else," I say, avoiding his eyes. Genius response, Liam. Of course he recognizes me. I'm such a fool.

"Oh yeah?" He asks, acting like he might actually believe me. "Hmmm," he says as he pulls out his phone.

"What are you doing? I ask, knowing full well what he's doing. Calling mom. Crap.

"Just going to call a friend of mine. I want to make sure her kid is actually at his dad's tonight."

I run through my options in a second—There are no options. I'm screwed. He knew all along it was me. The worst thing I could do is let him call mom, and have mom come down here in the middle of the night. That wouldn't be good for me.

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