~34~ Social Life

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I'm officially 16!!!!!!

I had my birthday a few days ago—Dad, mom, and Taylor all surprised me with a navy blue, Ford Fusion.

I couldn't believe it!!!!!! MY OWN CAR.

Smell that? That's freedom, baby!!!!!

I had to sit through an excruciatingly long lecture on how this car is a responsibility—How it can be easily taken away if abused. I had to swear that I'll NEVER be under the influence while driving it—I agreed.


It's been several weeks since I got my car, and it's been fantastic. I've gone out on several dates, and I'm really just living my best life.

Unfortunately, none of those dates have been with Brooklyn. She's barely even looked at me since the infamous incident—I think she was humiliated beyond repair. It's a bummer, though; I really liked her.


I'm at school, and some buddies are talking about this massive party tonight. Thankfully I'm at my dad's, so it's gonna be easy to go to—He's been super easy to manipulate ever since the whole "Kara" thing. He lets me do whatever, stay out until whenever, and go wherever.

It's been cool.

I get home from school, and dad gets home from work around 4:30 pm.

"Hey champ! How was school?" He asks as he puts his gun away and starts heading towards his room to change.

"School was good—Hey dad, a couple of friends were wanting to get together tonight. Care if I go?"

Please don't ask for details!

"Sure, champ. Sounds fun—What time ya leaving?"

He leaves the door to his room open as he changes his clothes.

"I'll probably head out around 9 if that's ok."

"Works for me," he says as he comes out, buckling his pants up and going to the fridge to grab a beer.

Sweet! That was too easy—I love the Post-Kara dad.

I get to the party around 9:15 pm, and it's already pretty crazy—Booze is everywhere, and a lot of girls are drunk already.

I find Duncan and Vinny, and I grab a beer from the cooler to start in on my night.


I'm having a great time—I make sure that I don't drink enough that I'm drunk, but just enough to let loose and enjoy myself.

I've still gotta get home, and I'm not stupid enough to already lose my car. Vinny and Duncan are pretty high right now—They offered me a drag earlier, and I took it—I haven't smoked pot in ages.

I forgot what it feels like.

Duncan hands me a joint, asking me to keep it for him. His dad has been checking him and his room pretty hard lately.

I told him I'd keep it, and the next time we hang out we could smoke it—We make plans to do that next weekend.

Once most of the hot girls leave, my friends and I decide to head out too. I had quit drinking several hours ago, so I'm fine to drive home.

I get back to dad's, and he's sleeping. I'm SO glad he didn't wait up for me.


The week goes by quickly and painlessly. Dad didn't ask me any questions the next morning about the party, and mom and Taylor know nothing about it.

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