~61~ WEIRD

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Ok guys, it's here!!! I've stalled for as long as I could. I'm dreading and looking forward to this section so much! I honestly never know where most of my chapters are going to take me. There are only a few that I have planned out. Most of the time I just start typing, and the story just pours out on its own.  It honestly is just as much of a surprise to me as it is to you.... so, I have no plan right now... Let's learn about Liam's side of the break-up together!! 😭😭


These last couple of weeks have been strange; Mom is acting really weird....She's quiet and distant. Taylor's noticed, and I think he's starting to get concerned.

One night we're eating dinner, and mom has barely said a word or eaten anything. She made chili and cornbread—Taylor's favorite. Taylor and I are talking about the counter play during my game last night, and mom is completely disengaged.

"You not hungry, Ellie?" Taylor asks mom after a bit.

"Hmmm?" Mom asks, looking up when she hears her name.

"Are you feeling alright?"

"I'm fine, why?"

"You've barely eaten anything." He says, pointing to her bowl.

"Oh... I guess I'm not hungry."

Taylor looks at her hard for a minute, spinning his spoon around in his hand. "Have I done something to upset you?"

"No," she says quietly as she gets up from the table and cleans out her bowl.

Taylor looks at me, questions burning in his eyes—I just shrug my shoulders.

"Would you tell me if I upset you?" He asks, staring at her again.


"Ellie!" He says louder this time.


He just shakes his head and sighs. "Nothing."

"Ummm...since I'm not grounded anymore, I was wondering what the chances are of getting my car back."

I've been on my most BEST behavior lately—Some might even call me an angel.

Taylor stares at mom, waiting for her to answer.

She doesn't.

"Ellie!" Taylor says, a little annoyed this time.

"I'm fine, Taylor."

Taylor scoffs and throws his hands in the air.

"What's going on with you?!?!" He's almost raising his voice at her—The man never, EVER, raises his voice to mom.

Mom just stares at him for a moment before turning her attention to me.

"Did you say something, Liam?"

Taylor chuckles darkly and rolls his eyes.

"No. I'm gonna go get a smoothie from the cafe. Do you guys want anything?"

They both simply shake their heads.

"Ok...I'll be back in a bit," I say, getting out of here as fast as I can. Something's REALLY going on with mom.


It's been basically like this for a couple of weeks; She's distant and quiet, and Taylor is getting really annoyed.

I go to my dad's for the next several nights, and when I get back to mom's, something is REALLY going on.

Taylor is acting WEIRD; I mean, insane. He isn't talking, he isn't smiling, he isn't doing anything.

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