~86~ Detention~2

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These next couple of months have been amazing. Taylor and mom both took time off, and it's like we're a family again. I love my dad, but lately I prefer to spend my days at mom's.

I don't tell dad that, though.

Sasha is getting even cuter, if that's possible. She is starting to smile when she sees us. She's such a happy little thing.

Except today. This girl is a CRANK. Taylor, mom, and I have been swapping off, taking turns rocking her.

"Sasha, you're being awful sassy today, young lady," Taylor says as he kisses her cheek, cradling her to him. "Think it's her stomach?" He asks, looking at mom.

"I think so. See how she's scrunching up her legs? I think she's hurting," she says, coming over and kissing her head.

"Why don't you boys get out of here for a while! I'm going to give her a bath and see if I can get her to calm down. Go do something fun," she says, smiling at both of us.

"I was wanting to see that new Avengers movie," I say, looking at Taylor.

"You sure that's ok? I hate to leave you with her when she's screaming."

"Go. No sense in all of us losing our minds."

"Let's do it," he says, smiling at me and giving me a high five.

We go to the movies and come back a couple hours later. We're both feeling refreshed.

What we walked into, though, neither of us would have ever expected.

Mom has the music blaring, and is holding Sasha, dancing around the apartment to 'All About That Bass' by Meghan Trainor.

We just stand there, watching her dance around like a nut, and Sasha is smiling like crazy.

Taylor's eyes are wide, and amused.

Mom finally sees us and quits dancing immediately, a soft blush covering her ivory cheeks.

"What the hell are you letting my daughter listen to?" Taylor asks, pretending like he's mad.

Mom chuckles. "This is literally the only thing that has made her happy. Plus, Taylor, I'm teaching OUR daughter about positive body image. It's healthy."

Taylor rolls his eyes and chuckles, taking Sasha from her. "What is momma making you listen to, sweet girl?" He asks, cuddling her close.

He goes and shuts off the music. Within a minute, Sasha starts crying again. He looks at mom, horrified. "You've GOT to be kidding."

"It's all about that bass, baby. Come on, give in. Ya know ya wanna hear about how you boys prefer a little extra booty to hold at night," she says, grinning her ridiculously goofy grin.

"On that note, I'm going to my room to do homework and pretend like I never heard my mom just say that," I gag.

Taylor bursts into laughter. "You really want me to turn that song back on?"

"Oh, I don't, but that little girl isn't going to stop crying until she hears it, apparently. Don't you love your daughter?"

He just rolls his eyes and turns the song back on. Sasha immediately quits crying.

"We've got a problem," Taylor says after a minute.

"Yes. Yes we do." She agrees.

We listened to that song for three hours straight. Finally, Sasha started feeling better, and we didn't need to play it anymore.

We were all extremely grateful.

As we're eating dinner, Taylor randomly says "Country..."

"Why you being weird?" Mom asks

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