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The next night after work, I go to mom's and I'm dreading it HARD. I haven't been home at all yet—School, Track, and Work are really starting to become a lot.

I get home around 9pm and I'm starving; I haven't eaten since lunch and I'mma growing boy! I need more sustenance than that..

I take a deep breath before I walk in. I sure hope they figured it out, because I don't want to deal with this anymore.

What I walk into, though, wasn't at all what I was expecting. Mom is on the counter, and she has her legs wrapped around Taylor's waist. She's wearing pants, but she only has a bra on. They are kissing so passionately that normally I would be thrilled—But by the looks of them they are going to be having sex in a matter of seconds.

"Ah! My eyes! So much burning," I cry as I close my eyes, and want to die.

"Oh shit!" I hear mom say as she jumps off the counter and runs to her room.

Taylor is chuckling quietly as he goes to put his shirt back on.

"Sorry, bud—We lost track of time," he says, adjusting himself discreetly. I finally look at his face, and it's the happiest I've seen him since the breakup. Even though he has been goofy and fun for months, the light was still missing—It's back.

It's finally back.

"What does this mean?" I ask, almost afraid to hope.

"This means that we are together again, and this time, I will not mess it up—I promise you, Liam."

I just silently wrap him in a hug, and start to cry. This is the best news I've ever heard! This is what I have dreamt about the last 11 months. My heart finally feels whole again—My family is whole again.

"So you forgave her after all, huh?" I say with a teasing grin.

"Always," he says, kissing my head.

Mom comes back out then, and looks humiliated. "I'm so sorry—I didn't realize it was so late. Have you eaten?" She asks, giving me a hug.

"Have you?" I tease

"Er, no...." She says, looking at Taylor and rolling her eyes.

"Has anyone even been taking care of the baby the last, well, however many hours?" I ask, going over to where she is on her play mat and picking her up, kissing her and tickling her belly.

"She's fine, Liam. Thankfully for me, my daughter is a great sleeper," Taylor grins

Taylor chuckles as he puts his arm around mom and holds her tight, and I just watch in awe for a minute as I force my tears to stay behind my eyeballs.

"Is this for real?" I whisper

"I sure hope so," mom says, looking up at Taylor with so much love that I have to look away. Taylor bends down and kisses her softly.

"It's real," he whispers, gently caressing her cheek.

"So there's nothing to eat?" I ask, breaking the magic and getting back to my desperate situation.

"Well, I had started chili, but no. There's nothing to eat. Want me to order a pizza?" Mom asks, getting out her phone.

"Yeah—I'm starving."

We all eat pizza, and then watch a movie. None of us go to bed until after 12:30–We are just enjoying the night. Taylor and mom are wrapped up, mom laying her head on Taylor's shoulder. It's just so natural—It's like they were never even broken up.

We finally go to bed, well ...I do; I have no idea what those two are going to do and this is an instance where I'm glad nobody tells me anything.

CindersOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora