~79~ Terrors~2

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The next day during school I get a weird text from dad.

***I know you had planned to go to the station for a bit after school, but change of plans. Just come home instead.

That's weird.

Dad seemed fine when I told him I was going over there for Geometry help from Taylor. So I reply back quickly before I'm caught with my phone.

***Everything ok?

A minute later I feel my phone vibrate.

***yes and no. Mom and Taylor are fine. I'll explain later

I'm getting pretty annoyed with these vague texts

***is the baby ok?

Another minute passes

***yeah. Everybody is fine

The relief that passes through me is staggering...maybe one day I won't be so freaked when they are both on call.


My day goes by slowly, and when I finally get home, dad isn't here yet. I clean my room and start on my homework so I don't have to deal with him being annoyed at me on top of whatever else is going on. He finally gets home around 5:30, with pizza.

"Hey champ! How was your day?" He asks, with a weird expression on his face. He looks strange.

"What happened?"

"Uh, it was an interesting day today," he stalls.


I swear if he doesn't spit it out

"Well, do you remember Jessica?"

"Of course I do!" I'm seriously getting pissed at how much he's dragging this out.

"Turns out she's been hard-core stalking Taylor for months. We found pictures and videos throughout her entire apartment. She started stalking mom too, the last month or two."

All of the blood drains from my face and I legit feel like I'm going to pass out.

"Is mom ok?"

That's why his face is so weird. Something happened with mom, and it scared the crap outta him.

Dad sighs, and finally spits it out.

"Jessica came by the station today, and held mom up at gun point."

Woah shit. How...what....um.....

"I got there, and Taylor was trying to get her to drop the gun—She wasn't having it. She looked pretty close to pulling the trigger. Greene saved mom's life."

"How did he do that?" I ask, trying to keep myself from already crying.

"He uh, he distracted Jessica for a moment, by putting himself in front of mom and kissing her. It was enough time for Taylor to get the gun away from Jessica, and for me to cuff her."

"Mom is ok?" I ask again.

Dad nods, looking hard in my eyes. "She's fine. Physically at least. I'm not sure about emotionally yet."

"And Jessica?"

"Right this second she's in jail, but I just got word that they're transferring her to a mental institution. She's messed up."

"Where's mom?" I ask.

"At home. She and Taylor took the rest of shift off."

"You can go over there if you want," he says softly.

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