~56~ Fair~2

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Taylor opens the door and holds it for us as we go in. He quietly shuts it behind him, and closes the blinds...Closing the blinds is like the kiss of death. You know when the blinds are shut, a spanking is on the horizon.

"Have you lost your mind?!?" Mom demands as soon as the door is shut. The look on Taylor's face says that her outburst surprised him as much as it does me—We both thought she was calmer now.

"What were you thinking? The car we bought for you wasn't good enough, you needed to go swipe a minivan?" she continues, folding her arms.

"It wasn't a minivan," I snap. Mom is so dumb sometimes.

"Don't get smart," Taylor says calmly. Three simple words, yet it's enough to get me to chill the heck out.

I sigh and look at them, and they're both just silently staring at me, waiting for an explanation.

"Dax and I were talking about it the other day, as a joke. The rest of the football team overheard, and decided it would be a pretty cool senior prank. So since it was our idea, we were the ones who got nominated to do it."

"Fantastic,"  mom groans as she looks at Taylor. "There's a whole entourage of idiots at that school."

Taylor chuckles quietly, and then turns his attention back to me.

"So, what I'm hearing from you is that you've had this planned for days? This wasn't just a hasty decision that you regretted immediately?...Well, that makes it worse for you," Taylor says, shaking his head.

I just quietly stare at him, slumping my shoulders. My goose is cooked.

"It wasn't supposed to happen the way it did! We were just supposed to drive around the block, and then park the car on the football field...But we got caught as soon as we got in the car, and had to go quick to get out of there."

As soon as those words were out of my mouth, however, I know immediately that they were the wrong ones. Taylor becomes irate again.

"You're telling me you started driving erratic in a parking lot? Where people are walking all of the time? YOU COULD'VE KILLED SOMEONE, LIAM!!" Taylor is now shouting at this point, making me flinch.

I should've known not to say that. Anything to do with driving is a super touchy subject with Taylor. I get more lectures about safe driving than I do with anything else. He was INSANE when he was teaching me to drive. I'm actually a really good driver though, thanks to him.

Taylor and mom just stand there for a moment, silently glaring at me.


"For starters, unless your mom disagrees with me, I think you've lost your license and car for a while." He looks at mom to make sure he's not out of line with his punishment.

Unfortunately for me, mom nods. He reaches his hand out, palm up, and continues "I want your keys and your license, now. I'm not sure when you'll get it back, but I guarantee it's gonna be a long time from now."

"YOU CAN'T TAKE MY CAR!!!" I shriek.

Yes, I hear what you're thinking loud and clear. What is wrong with me? Do I literally want to be killed? No—But, I also don't wanna lose my car.

I've gotten taller these last two years, so I'm now eye level with Taylor. Taylor leans over and points to his ear, mimicking being hard of hearing.

"What was that?" He questions, giving me another chance before it's game over.

I decide not to push it. I silently reach in my pocket and get out my keys. Then I open my wallet and hand Taylor my license, inwardly cussing him out.

Taylor hands mom the keys and license as he continues. "You're obviously grounded—Your mom and I will talk about the technicalities of that later. However, once we're done in here I'm putting you with the candidate. Normally they get stuck with all the dirty work during shift. I don't think Gibbs will mind letting you take over today though. I know for sure he had bathroom cleaning and floor mopping detail... I can have him come up with a more thorough list for you, seeing as how you'll be with us all day."

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