~38~ Bad Mood

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It's been a couple of weeks since the pot incident.

Mom and Taylor decided that I was grounded for two weeks, and I lost my car for a month.

An entire freaking month!!!

I may or may not have given mom some attitude over that one—I went from having an amazing social life, to being stuck at home for two weeks and without a car for a month. This sucks.


It's the last day of my grounding, and I have to go to shift with mom and Taylor tomorrow. Dad has a conference out of town, and mom doesn't want me home by myself for 24 hours.

Mom is sitting on the couch watching I Love Lucy, and I'm sitting here pouting. I hate this show, and I'm just ready to be ungrounded so I can watch normal TV again.

Taylor comes home, and smiles at us when he sees us on the couch— He was out with Greene for a while at the bar.

"Hey you two! What's happening?" He asks as he glances at the TV

"Ah man! I Love Lucy—REALLY? The hockey game is on," Taylor complains, falling onto the couch dramatically.

"REALLY? It's got 20 minutes left—You can't just sit through it? I sit through hours upon hours of sports and I never complain," mom snaps.

"Woah. What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong...I'm just sick of you guys always making fun of me."

"When have we made fun of you?" Taylor asks, scooting over next to her and squeezing her thigh.

"Well, you make cracks about my driving almost daily."

Taylor starts to chuckle, but stops once he realizes how irritated she really is.

"And then you can't even sit through 20 minutes of this—This is my favorite episode!"

Taylor quietly reaches over and pulls her into him, kissing her forehead. "I'm sorry," he says quietly as he rests his head on hers, and watches the rest of the episode.

Once it's over, she hands him the remote. "Here, knock yourself out," she says, getting up and grabbing an apple from the fridge.

"Ellie Jane, what's the matter?" He asks, not flipping it off as the next I Love Lucy episode comes on.

This is our shot, dude!

"Nothing," she spits with an obvious attitude.

"This isn't about the TV—What is it?" He asks, standing up and grabbing the hand that isn't holding the apple.

"I'm fine, Taylor," she says, taking her hand out of his.

He looks at me, hoping I'll tell him.

"Don't look at me—She's been biting my head off ever since I got home from school," I say, holding up my hands in mock surrender.

He turns back to mom and starts rubbing her shoulders. "Talk to me. I can't help you if I don't know what's wrong."

"You can't help me anyways," she says, shrugging out of his hands and going to sit back on the couch.

He looks at me with a worried expression. I just look at him and shrug my shoulders. I have no idea what's wrong.

The rest of the night, we just quietly watch I Love Lucy. Taylor just sits there, silently holding mom, while I sit there silently pouting. This lady is annoying. And it's annoying that mom likes her so much.

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