~32~ First Fight

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It's been several months since the Kara incident, and everything has gone back to normal. Dad is finally back to his normal, easy going self, and I'm enjoying it.

Mom and I are fine, and Taylor and I are becoming closer buddies every day. We've moved into our new apartment complex, and it's really cool. It not only has a gym and a pool, but it also has a little cafe inside of it too.

Taylor and I are playing some basketball down at the courts, enjoying both of our days off. Taylor crushes me every single game. "You're such a show off," I say, throwing the ball roughly at him after he won this last game.

He chuckles. "Someone's a sore loser!"

He shoves me playfully, and then runs up to dunk the ball again, waiting on mom to come get us.

We asked mom to pick us up at 3pm. Mom had errands to do, so we decided to all ride together to the courts, and then mom would take the car to do what she needed.

She shows up right at 3, with a big smile on her face. She rolls her window down and waves.

"Hey boys!" She says, scrunching her nose at how sweaty we are. She points to the backseat. "Liam, I've got a towel in the seat. Sit on that, please."

I roll my eyes, but I don't argue. I'm used to how big of a clean freak she is.

Taylor comes around to the driver's seat, and goes to open up mom's door.

"What're ya doing?" She asks, looking surprised.

Taylor looks surprised too. "Umm, I was gonna switch out with you so I could drive."

Mom shakes her head. "Taylor, you're dripping. You're not getting your grossness all over my steering wheel."

Taylor's eyes widen in surprise and amusement.

"My grossness? Is that even a word?" He chuckles.

"I don't know, but either way, you're sitting on that towel I have on the passenger seat." She says, pointing to the towel next to her.

"You're serious?"

"She's serious, Taylor. Mom's insane," I say, rolling my eyes.

"Watch it," she says as she looks back at me.

Taylor sighs, but hasn't conceded just yet. "Look, Ellie Jane, I don't want to hurt your feelings, but I've heard from both Alex and your son that your driving isn't great. Can I just drive please? I'll clean your car once I get home and showered."

"Thanks for throwing me under the bus, man," I grumble.

He looks at me and smirks, shrugging his shoulders.

"You're seriously not gonna let me drive?" She asks, getting annoyed.

"I wouldn't say that. More like, I would REALLY appreciate it, if you would let me drive instead."

"Are we about to get in our first argument?" She asks, her tone going from annoyed to mad in an instant.

"I don't want to get in an argument, but it's looking like it's headed that way, isn't it?"

"This isn't the 50's Taylor. You're not just gonna snap your fingers at me and expect me to obey. You picked the wrong girl if that's what you're wanting."

Taylor's eyes widen, and his mouth opens. "Did you see me snap my fingers? I simply asked you if I could drive."

The madder he's getting, the quieter his voice gets. How weird.

"And I simply told you no. You're welcome to walk if you'd prefer. The 10 miles might help you get your head out of your ass. If my driving, which by the way you have never even seen, scares you that much— I surely don't want you to do something against your will."

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