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"May you find solace in his death"

"May Aljannat firdaus be his final home"

"Allah have mercy on his soul"

"May there be light in his grave"

All these prayers and more were answered by those surrounding Ameerah with an 'AMEEN' as per the islam teachings,

Ameerah's once beautiful and glowing face was now pale and swollen, her eyes were placed on a particular spot for almost 3 hours and her fingers stuck on one of the bead of the cream and silver Islamic rosary she was carrying,

She has being unresponsive to anybody, including her very own family,

she had been like that for the last six days, from the very day her husband of 5 years died and on hearing the news she miscarried the two month old child in her, automatically making her mourning period over as per Islamic teachings,

She wasn't in denial of the death and the miscarriage, she was shocked and broken, in a day she had lost her two source of happiness, she has no other thing to live for,

Some minutes later as she was being fed by an aunt of her late husband, another motherly figure in his life, she spoke for the first time in seven days, her voice came out as a croak

"Jabir" she said "he wanted everyone to gather in this house for a celebration, he said you will be the one to make the kebab and fruit punch" and to the relief of the family surrounding Ameerah, tears begun to pool up in her eyes, she didn't shed a single tear ever since the death, even when going through the pains of the miscarriage, she didn't,

"He said, if he could do it, he will bring all his family together to live in peace, in a huge mansion" and finally her tears fell,

"He loved his family, especially you Ammah" she said as she turned to her mother inlaw, a second loving mother to her,

"He loved you so much, he loved you to his death", his mother burst into fresh tears, she pulled her daughter inlaw to her body and the two cried,

Some minutes later, her sister inlaw Aisha who was the same age with her and are close friends coaxed her to go get some fresh air in the garden,

After spending some seconds in the quite garden, she was lost in her own world of pain, finally she had made a final acceptance of her husband's death and that final acceptance took a huge part of her.

"Salama alaikum" a soft masculine voice said and she turned to see hazel brown eyes on her, even thou she was lost in her own sadden world, she still noticed the pain buried deep in his eyes,

"Wasalam" she manged to reply in her still croaked voice,

"Am sorry about your lost, May Allah favor him and join our faces in Al jannat firdaus" he calmly said,

"Ameen" she said "and Thank you", she knew she has seen him somewhere,

"Ya Mahmood" Aisha called, they both turned,

"Aisha" he called "ya hakurin mu (how are we bearing the loss)"

"Sai godiya Ya Mahmood (we thank God), what are you doing here"

"I had to get away from the small talks" he quietly said,

"Oh, anyways this is Ya Ameerah, ya Jabir's wife, am sure you guys have met during Asma's wedding", he nodded while Ameerah has long turned away and was again lost in her world of thoughts,

Aisha could see the pity for Ameerah in his eyes, "i will pray for her" was the only thing he said and walked away,

"He is also in pain" Ameerah said her eyes fixed in a spot,

"He lost his wife just last week" Aisha manged to say, Ameerah nodded "it hurts when you lose someone you love, you wish more than nothing than to see them for the last time and say goodbye properly but it never happens because we can't say the proper goodbye and let them leave", her voice was slow and sad but Aisha could do nothing, she also was mourning her brother but she knew nobody's pain will be measured up to what Ameerah is going through, because she is a living witness of the true love and happiness her brother and his wife, and now she feared if at all there will be another chance to love ever again for Ameerah.

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