Fate Of Danger (Part 2) - H. H.

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[A/N: Just a heads up, I'm so bad with fighting skills related writing so I apologize if majority of the events in this imagine is lame and a bit straight forward]


We (Ray, Henry and I) took the Omega weapon to the airport and brought it down in time to see the cavemen tying Schwoz, Mika, Miles, Chapa and Bose.

"We're sorry to drop in like this," Captain Man said. "But actually not sorry," Henry added. "It was a sarcastic sorry," I spoke. "Sorry-castic," Henry finished. I looked at him with a frown, "That was a bad joke."

"Hey! Who's flying the man copter?" Schwoz asked. "My sister!" Henry replied. We untied the box from the rope and approached the group.

"That's my job," Schwoz frowned.

"I have a helicopter license," Piper said.

"Established," Ray, Henry and I said in unison. "Is it?"

"It is now. Byee," Piper said.

Ray had a small talk with the kids and and Drex as Henry and I unboxed the Omega weapon.

"How are you gonna defeat me? I'm indestructible," Drex smirked. "We have this!" Henry said.

"Now kid!" Ray called. Just as Henry was about to shoot the weapon at Drex, one of the cave men knocked us out and the tubes got loose.

Ray and Drex fought each other as Henry and I took down the cave men. I kicked one of the cave men by their stomach and flipped him over. Henry finished off the other cave men as we scrambled to put the tubes back.

"You lovebirds need some help?" Mika asked. "We're good, thanks," I said. "Kid Danger and Danger Girl needs help!" she called. Bose, Miles, Chapa came over and grabbed a tube as Henry and I pointed he machine at Drex but Ray was on the way.

"Shoot us!"

"You won't be indestructible anymore!" I called out. "Neither will Drex now shoot us! Come on, shoot us you big quitter!" Ray demanded.

"Why do you have to be so extra about this? Alright everyone hold onto your hoses," Henry said. He slammed his hand on the device and the Omega weapon hit Ray and Drex. The impact was strong that it pushed us back and the weapon was destroyed.

I groaned and rubbed the back of my head. "What happen? Did it work?" Schwoz asked, "I can't see anything!"

We heard Ray scream and saw blood dripping down his face. He's not indestructible anymore.

"Come on, babe. I got ya," Henry held out his hand and helped me stand up.

"It worked," Ray answered Schwoz. "So did we win?" Schwoz asked again.

"No, not really," I answered.


Drex escaped using the blimp and now Ray, Henry and I are after him.

"Hey Kid! I just want to let you know that I'm still mad at you for wanting to leave Swellview!" Ray said. Henry and I smiled at him. "I know, dude, I know," Henry said. "Thank you for an adventure Captain Man!" I called. Ray nodded at me as we all let a scream and landed on the blimp with Drex.

"Haven't I beaten you three enough for one day?" he complained. "Unlike Kid Danger, I don't quit," Ray hissed at Drex. I groaned, "Again with the whole quitting thing."

"Well you're too late, cause in five minutes this blimp will fly all over Swellview!" Drex informed us.

"Oh so we're not too late. Do you still want to take a four minute stroll and then fight?" Ray asked. "How about we fight him first and then take a four minute stroll?" Henry suggested. "How about we fight Drex for five minutes and take a nap for the rest of our lives?" I smirked.

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