Chapter 7

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"I can't believe you had the nerve to ring me at four in the morning." I groaned in anger, rubbing the corner of my eye for any signs of smudged kohl as I walked towards a smirking Sumedh Mudgalkar.

Still dressed in black. Did he own any color in his wardrobe?

"I can't believe you came." He feigned astonishment before producing an item - more of a lidded paper cup - from behind.

"Coffee." I acknowledged, tightening my ponytail.

"Black. Strong." He elaborated before handing it to me. I gave a lopsided grin to which the hazel green in his orbs glimmered.

"How did you know?" I asked as we started walking towards the main door of the hotel.

"I may be arrogant. Not blind." He ruffled his hands through his curly black hair as I blew on the steaming hot coffee.

"I thought you'd never admit." I smirked before taking a sip, relishing it as I found it to be exactly how I liked it.

"I'm unpredictable like that." He shrugged with a playful undertone.

A gust of wind lashed past our faces as the doors slid open, revealing an isolated vast space of land.

And a bike. A black sleek motorbike.

I raised my brows in question, "You brought a bike?!"

"Correction..." He began, "I arranged one."

"How..when?" I bombarded him with questions.

"This is your first time in Mathura, not mine." He shrugged again, making my eyes furrow in scrutiny. Why had he arranged a bike? Where did he want to take me at four in the morning? Was this his subtle way of kidnapping?

As bizarre as my train of thoughts traveled, he placed a halt with a chide, "Stop overanalyzing, Mallika."

I straightened immediately, "I'm not."

"Oh, you so are!" He pointed out with a chuckle.

I looked away in embarrassment, well knowing he was right.

He crossed his hands over his chest, the black digital watch glinting under the moonlight as he tilted his head, "How are you so carefree and an overthinker both? Or is one just a facade?"

I looked back, sipping on the coffee before answering, "Carefree in spirit does not equate to recklessness in decisions. I want to know what I'm getting into."

He nodded, "I promise I'm not going to abduct you. Why would I arrange myself an entire day of suffering?"

I rolled my eyes at him, mocking his words as I took another sip.

"Fine. Let's go." I decided with a firm nod.

"Really?" He asked in surprise, his eyes hovering over me.

"Stop over analyzing, Sumedh." I repeated his words in his condescending tone.

He looked away grumpily, muttering something incoherent.

"Just say it." I gave in finally, unable to take his mumblings any longer.

"What made you agree so quickly?" He asked, curiosity sparking in his eyes, eagerness shining in his tone.

I took a few strides towards him, sipping on some coffee until I could sniff the scent of his minty cologne and reach for the navy blue helmet sitting on the seat of the bike.

Reaching for the helmet, very well aware of the fact that he was eyeing every movement of mine, I answered, "You promised. And I think you're not one to break promises. 'Baby Girl', seriously?!" I ridiculed the cursive text on the nape of the helmet.

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