Chapter 3- The Message

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Everyone left as the song ended.

"Hey! That was some fancy footwork Cooper!" Rose told her friend.

"Some people just got it!" he replied.

"Biggie, Mr Dinkles you two were on fire!" Poppy praised the big blue troll and his worm.

"Yeah sorry about that Queen Poppy." Biggie said as it turns out Mr Dinkles was actually on fire but Biggie put it out.

"Meep." Mr Dinkles squeeked.

"Dj awesome remixing!" Rose said to one of her BFFs.

"Aw shucks." Dj Suki replied.

"Digging that new anklet Legsly!" Poppy told a purple troll.

"Thanks Poppy. Kisses and donuts and sprinkles!" she cheered as she grew her legs and pranced away.

"What a troll." Branch said as he watched her leave.

"Tiny Diamond, welcome to the family little buddy." Rose told the new addition to the Snack Pack.

"Thanks Aunt Rose and thanks to this silver haired Daddy of mine for bringing me into this world." he said as he patted his father's cheek.

"Aw." Poppy squealed.

"I never knew my heart could be so full." Guy said as he held his new son.

"Peace and love! Bless up! Tiny and Daddy out!" Tiny announced as they started to leave.

"Okay bye!" Poppy and Rose said as they watched them leave.

Then Rose pushed Branch forward and gave him a double thumbs up but he gave her an unsure face. Rose however, gave him one of her rare glares and punched her fist in her hand. Branch then got terrified and went to tell Poppy his feelings for her.

"Hey, uh Poppy there's something I was hoping to ask you. I guess it's something I want to tell you more so." he said as Poppy started to water some flowers.

"Uh-huh." she responded not really paying attention.

"But listen, you could feel free to respond to it with an answer. I-if you wanted." he said nervously.

"Sure what's up?" Poppy asked fully turning to him.

"What's up is. I uh I-I-I-I-I-I-I I wanted to tell you that *Sigh* you're crushing it at this Queen thing." he said. Rose then face-palmed and Branch just sent her an apologetic look.

"Aw, Branch thank you! Being a good Queen is the most important thing in the world to me other than being your friend and Rose's sister." Poppy told him.

Branch just stared with the word 'friend' going on and on in his head while Rose winced.

"Uh five it up!" Poppy said.

The two tried but they missed.

"We could do that better. Let's try that again!" she said.

But they missed.

"Okay one more!" she said.

And they missed again.

"Huh? For some reason we can't seem to make a good connection." she said.

But then Fuzzburt came and high-fived her.

"Oh, yes Fuzzburt! Now that's a good connection!" she cheered. While Branch held his heart and Rose patted his back.

"Aaah! Poppy, Rose help! Poppy, Rose! Aahh!" Biggie exclaimed as he was chased by a bat.

"Biggie!?" Poppy and Rose yelled in worry and went to help their friend.

"Help I'm being chased by a monster! Someone stop it!" he exclaimed.

Poppy then grabbed the bat with her hair.

"Got'cha!" but then is started squirming, "Ah! It's in my hair! It's in my hair! Get it out! Get it out! Get it out! Get it out!"

Branch then tackled the bat and used a weird technique to get it to calm down, "Shh, shh, shh. There you go. There you go. Calm down who's a good boy."

"What is that thing?" Legsly asked.

"It's creepy." Cooper stated.

"It's scary." Satin and Chenille said in sync.

"And naaasty." Guy said in auto tune.

"Hold me Daddy!" Tiny said while Guy hugged him.

But then Rose grabbed the bat.

"Actually Branch it's a girl. It's soo easy to tell. Who's a cutie? You are. Yes you are." she said as she hugged the bat and it snuggled up to her while everyone looked at her weirdly.

"What? She's cute." she said.

"Dudette you think every animal is cute." Dj Suki told her while Rose sheepishly smiled.

Then Poppy noticed an invitation on the ground so she picked it up.

"To Queen Poppy." she read aloud.

"Oh! Don't worry everyone it looks like it's just an invitation!" she assured everyone while everyone sighed in relief.

"Ahem. Barb the Queen of Rock announces her one nation under Rock world tour. Bring your string to the biggest party the world has ever seen." she reads.

"Queen of Rock?" Rose questions.

Then all of a sudden their father Peppy grabbed the invitation.

"It's nothing! It's means nothing at all it's just junk mail! You don't need to worry about it!" he yelled and then ate the letter.

Then Branch tackled him to the ground and used the weird technique he used on the bat.

"Shh, shh, shh. There you go. There you go. Calm down." Branch told him as he got off of him.

"I'm calm, I'm calm." Peppy said as he got up.

"Dad what's going on?" his daughters asked.

"Well I have long feard this day would come. I was hoping to protect you from this girls." he told them.

"Protect us? I'm not a little kid any more Dad I'm the queen now. And sisters always have each others backs." Poppy told him.

"You're right. The truth is we are not alone in this world." he told them.

Then a ghostly noise started but it turned out just to be Mr Dinkles.

"There are other kinds of trolls." the Ex-King admitted.

"Wow! Dad that's incredible new friends!" Rose cheered.

"You don't understand these other trolls aren't like us. They're different." Peppy replied.

"Different how? Different like Legsly?" Poppy asked.

"I like being me!" Legsly said.

"Or Fuzzburt? Or Smidge?" Rose asked.

"Or Skyscraper troll?" Poppy asked.

"Yeah. Different like me?" the four heads asked.

"No it's not that. They're different in ways you can't even imagine. You see we love music with a hullable hug. With an upbeat melody. With a catchy rhythm that makes you wanna snap your fingers, tap your toes and wiggle your butt. That's our music that's what makes us Pop Trolls." he explained while everyone in the crowd agreed, "But these other trolls they sing different, they dance different. Why some of them can't even begin to grasp the concept of Hammer Time!" he then exclaimed.

Then everyone started dancing.

"You can't touch that!" Legsly yelled. Then everyone started freaking out.

After ten seconds though the panicking trolls froze like magic.

"How about we break down to a smaller group." Peppy suggested.

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