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The dragon ran. The aliens had destroyed the lab before those scientists who had said she was a mistake put her down. She had watched the other dragonets, knowing they, at least, were normal, unlike her. She was three times the size of any of them, as big as a small pony had been when they still existed. Her muzzle was more cat like, shorter than usual, while her legs were longer and her tail ended in feathery spikes. Her wings had three claws at the joint and she was a strange purplish colour. She had violet eyes and razor sharp, lion like, claws, more for puncturing and grabbing than ripping and tearing. Her name was Ivy. And she had once been human.

Two weeks ago
She was trapped in a strange hard place, so small she couldn't breathe. She used the hard egg tooth on her nose to crack the shell, feeling a strange hunger. Hesitantly, she crunches on a small piece of egg, finding it edible but not delicious. She looked up to see a dragonet one the cage next to her looking at her in horror. She growled "what." And the dragonet squeaked in fear. She looked into the small mirror in the corner of her cage to see something so different that she could not do anything but stare. She looked at the ground, noticing a bowl of strange fruit, which she picked through, only eating the mango and grapes, her favourite fruits from when she was human.
Five months ago
Ivy ran. The man had been chasing her for five blocks and no matter how fast she ran she couldn't escape. She risked a glance back only to see he was on a phone. She slowed not registering the man creeping out of a van behind her. Suddenly there was a strange smelling cloth held over her nose. She tried not to breathe in, knowing that it would probably be soaked in some sort of anaesthetic to knock her unconscious. The man punched her in the gut, causing her to instinctively suck in a breath, and that was all it took for her to spiral into unconsciousness.

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