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***March 28***

"All right, I can see the head of the baby, one more big push." The young blonde haired woman gave a loud groan as she began to push more. "Mebuki! You got this! Just one more push and our darling baby will be born in the world!" He encouraged. "Shut up Kizashi! Or I'll make you shut up!" She gripped his hand even harder, the pain was unbearable, but it would all be worth it after.

Slowly as Mebuki began pushing, the baby came out. Soon all that could be heard was the sound of a baby crying and Mebuki panting in exhaustion. "Miss, it's a girl, what would you like to name her." Kizashi wasted no time in telling the nurse the baby's name. "Sorey, Sorey Haruno." The nurse went to go clean the baby, as soon as she left Mebuki began grunting in pain again. "Kizashi, there's something wrong. Get the nur-arghhh!" He nodded quickly and went to go find a nurse, a few minutes later he returned with a nurse.

She saw that Mebuki was in pain and quickly took action to aid her. "Miss, I'm going to check you okay?" Mebuki nodded, gritting her teeth together. The nurse quickly gasped, "Miss, you're having another child, the baby is ready to come out. Please start pushing!"

After many minutes of pushing another baby was born that night, her name was Sakura Haruno. Mebuki had two babies that night, twins. Sorey, and Sakura Haruno.

***4 weeks later***

A couple weeks have passed after Mebuki had given birth. One child usually take a lot out of you, constant crying, feeding, and pooping. But Mebuki had two, now that really took a lot out of her. Every night one of the babies would cry or both would cry. She would never have any time for sleep. She would try waking up Kizashi to help, but waking him up is like waiting for a bear to come out of hibernation.

One of the babies started crying again, Mebuki slowly got out of bed and headed to the babies room. She turned on the light and went to the crib where the baby was crying. "It seems like Sorey is the one crying tonight. All right." She reached into the crib and grabbed Sorey and began cradling her. "Shhhh, it'll be alright."

Sorey stopped crying, instead she let out little giggles. "Heh, well aren't you a funny one? Seems you just like to bother me for the fun of it." Sorey opened her eyes, which were a creamy light pink.

Mebuki pokes Sorey's nose making cooing sounds as she begins to play with Sorey. "Hm, I've always liked your eyes. They're so different, but I wonder who you got them from?" Sorey's big eyes just stare at the ceiling. "Heh, your so silly. Come on, look at mama for me?"

Sorey's eyes jerk around, seemingly trying to find the voice of her mom. Mebuki started to notice some similar things Sorey does every day. "Huh, that's weird. It's like you never know where I am. Wait a's like she doesn't know where I am." Mebuki had started to realize something, never once had Sorey even looked at her or Kizashi. Sakura had looked at her, all she seemed to do was stare at her. But never Sorey.

Mebuki decided to look closer at Sorey's eyes, when examining her eyes she noticed that her pupils were a little cloudy. Not the usual black it was supposed to be. She took a mental note to go to the doctors the next day. She put Sorey back in the crib and went back to sleep.

The next morning when they woke up they all went to the doctors. When they arrived Mebuki spoke to the nurse at the front office. "Excuse me, I think there's something wrong with my daughter, can you have one of your nurses take a look after her?" The nurse wrote something on a piece of paper. "Sure, if you come right this way." The nurse led them to an office. "The doctor will be just a moment." Then she went back to the front desk.

After a few moments of waiting, there was a soft knock on the door and the doctor let herself in. "Hello, I'm here for your daughter I presume?" She sat down in her chair. "Now what seems to be the problem?"

"Well, I've noticed a difference between my two babies. Sorey has this weird habit to jerk her eyes around a lot, and her pupils seem a bit cloudy. But I haven't seen any of that in my other daughter Sakura."

The nurse wrote stuff down on her clipboard as Mebuki gave her more descriptions of what was wrong. After a few minutes of determining some things she stood up and walked to Mebuki who was holding Sorey. "Can I see her for a few minutes, just to verify something?"

"Yeah, sure." She handed Sorey to the nurse. The doctor began to examine Sorey, she stared at her eyes and watched how they would jerk around. "Miss, please follow me with your other daughter." Mebuki stood up and walked to the nurse in slight confusion.

The doctor put her hand on the light switch. "Okay, I'm going to turn the lights off and then back on." Mebuki seemed a little unsure, but nodded, trusting the doctor. The doctor turned the lights off, paused for a second and then turned them back on. She watched both of the kids intently as she turned the lights off and back on again. Sakura jumped a little when the light turned off and then jumped again when the light turned on. But Sorey had no reaction to the lights being turned on and off.

"It seems you were right on coming to me. I have some bad news, I'm sorry to tell you but your daughter is blind." Mebuki and Kizashi gasped at the news. Kizashi took back Sorey from the doctor. "So what can we do, to make the environment a better place for her?" Kizashi asked, readjusting Sorey in his hold.

"Well it won't be easy that's for sure, she's going to have trouble communicating, reading and writing, playing. Let's not forget she might be developing late too because she might be scared to crawl or walk. You'll have to look after her well being as well, make sure to focus on yourself as well."

After the appointment then went home in silence not speaking a word. After all, their whole life just changed. Everything would be different.

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