Reason of controlling!!!

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Sidharth made a shocked mix confusion face by her sudden question, he didn't expect her to ask anything like this suddenly. Raising his brows he asks, "Why you are asking this?" " Because you say this thing since two days, so i want to know what and why you are controlling."said Sana.

He scratch his head and says, "Nothing princess, i will tell you some other day." Sana narrows her brows and says, "You are not thinking anything, this means you are hiding something from me. Tell me sidharth, know i don't like lies."

He think for something and says after taking a breath, "Fine,... Remember i told you that we completed the first half of mating and created the bond." Sana think for a second and nodded her head in yes., "But you didn't tell me about the other part." Said sana.

He hold her hand and says, "So, as we done the first in the full moon, the part should also be done in the same day." Sana made a confuse face and asked, "What we have to do? And from same day, you try to say in full moon right."

He nodded in yes and says, "Hmm... The second part is called sealing the bond for forever. After that it's painful for us to be away from each other even for a second. And not just for saying, we feel ache in body if we are not together. We both tied with each other till death and if any cases one die before others, then they will also die with their mate."

"The both ritual will have to be done in same day but in our case it's not possible that time. So we have to wait till the next full moon." Sana nodded and says, "It's sound so intense, but  why we would not doing this on that day? And wait, you still didn't tell me what we have to do for sealing our bond?"

He nodded by closing his eyes and says finally, "We have to make love with each other for sealing the bond. That is the final step after marking you as mine. And we can only do it at full moon. That day you didn't even know about me, how can we do this?" 

"And .... One more thing, after the first step, a... You can find it wired but it's natural. We start attracting each other more, whether its emotionally or physically. You would sense some wired sensations, or urge for something inside you."

"It's all because we are still not sealing the bond. Has some bad consequences also, you can feel some pain inside or feeling weak because that bite on your neck can open something inside you, which can calm down after we make love.".

"Everything is same for me, expect that pain part. I am start craving for you more by every passing second but can't do anything. But I am not worry about the pain because i will take it. So, that's the thing which i was controlling from two days."

"One more thing princess, we can only for once do it in the full moon after that there's no issue everything is normal like others. I don't have to control on myself. That's it."

Sana look at him without blinking, she remembers each and every wired emotions she feels after that freshers day. Now calculating every thing he said and what happening with her, the reason is pretty much clear now. Already the werewolves things are new for her and this one is something that set her body on fire by only the thinking of it.

Her cheeks unknowingly turns to deep shade of red, lips dried, heartbeats grew faster. Sidharth smiles at her reaction and thinking, "Princess chill, i am not doing anything right now. We still have some days." Said sidharth.

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