Chaper 19: Christmas

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Alfred was fretting with the sleeves of his sweater nervously, It was strange to feel this nervous but all the same it felt right. His eyes were a cloudy sky blue and his hair a grey wheat, but one difference was his skin seemed a bit tanner than is was a week or so ago.

He had worn a ugly Christmas sweater because it felt right to him, he also had a bag because he'd be staying in Canada for a few days. He felt the life suck out of him when he crossed the border and he was once again kinda mute emotionally. 

He pushed down the nervous feeling and rang the doorbell, within ten seconds the door opened and Matthew smiled at him. Alfred felt bad for not being able to smile back, it just wouldn't fit on his face at all just yet. 

"Alfie, you made it." Matthew smiled and Alfred nods

The two then entered the rather nice home, Alfred gently runs his fingers over the walls with a blank face, really the nerves were just coming back. Matthew carried on, not seeming to care that much that Alfred was glancing around his home.

The two entered the living room where a large tree was set up and decorated, it was very beautiful. Or, at least that's what Alfred thought with a slightly awed face. He gently places his presents down beneath the tree, he hoped people like them.

"Arthur and Francis haven't arrived yet but you'll know when they do, their bickering is audible for miles eh." Matthew said and Alfred nodded.

Matthew grabs his arm and brings him to a room, it was decorated with little American flags and had a huge eagle plush on the bed.

"I thought you would feel more at home if I decorated a bit, it's hell leaving your country for the first time. " Matthew said and Alfred well, Alfred cried. He didn't know why but he just started crying. Matthew jumped at the sudden change from emotionless to full on sobbing.

"I'm sorry.. I..I don't know why...Why I'm crying. I'm sorry." Alfred sputters out, trying to desperately wipe his tears away,  They just wouldn't stop coming, and he wasn't sure why

"No, no. It's okay to cry Alfred." Matthew said softly hugging his brother, he was almost like a child in need of comfort.

"You didn't have to do all of this for me." Alfred mutters softly

"But, I did eh." Matthew said with a smile and Alfred smiles at him a bit.

They heard bickering start, it got louder and louder until it reached the door and the doorbell rang.

"I'll get that, you settle in eh." Matthew then leaves.

Alfred sets out his things, he really didn't understand why he just broke down. He then gently places a hand on the eagle, it was so soft! He almost squeezed as he hugs it closer. He then froze and jumped away, jeez. He had no handle on himself.


Christmas morning, Alfred wakes up and shifts around before nuzzling into the eagle plush again. He then stretched and let out a little yawn. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, before finding his glasses and putting them on.

He crawled out of the bed and ruffled his hair, he then walked towards the smell of pancakes a bit blindly. He was hungry, well that and very tired.

"Good morning Alfie." Matthew said handing him some pancakes "Merry Christmas!"

Alfred sat down for a moment and squinted at Matthew tiredly before muttering "Merry Christmas," he then starts to eat and Matthew chuckled.

The other two guests arrive and soon breakfast is in full swing, Francis started fussing over his hair and Arthur kept insisting it was fine. Leading to an argument that was silenced by Matthew slamming something in the counter with a passive aggressive look.

"Who's ready for presents?" Matthew says and everyone agrees.

They all sit in the living room and presents are passed out, Alfred was suprised he got anything actually. But thanked them for the presents. They insisted he open his first and he nervously opened them.

One of the presents, was an old World War 2 bomber jacket that he recognized as American. He smiled and held the old leather in his hands, it was the mort beautiful jacket. He notices how it had a giant 50 on the back, he smiles wider at this.

"Thank you!" He said with a huge smile and a bit of tears, his eyes widen and he looks down to hide his tears. He felt a familiar arm side hug him, he recognized who from the maple scent alone.

"Really Alfie, it's okay to cry." Matthew whispered gently

"Look at them, they are so cute!!" Francis fangirls

"For once, I agree with you Frog." Arthur grumbled

"Awe, mon amour!" Francis purrs

"You ruined it." Arthur mutters

Matthew took the gift Alfred made him, and Alfred held his breath as he tore away the paper. Matthew smiled widely and wrapped the scarf around his neck before hugging hia brother.

"Thanks Alfie, I love it!" Matthew said happily

"I-i'm glad." Alfred flushes uncontrollably, why were his emotions acting up so much?

After they all opened their gifts, the FAC family all start on Christmas dinner while England was more or less forced into cleaning duty. Mostly because no one wanted him cooking anything.

But, Alfred felt happy that he finally has a family that accept him as he is and gift him such amazing things. He was still wearing the bomber jacket over his pajamas.

He never wants this to go away, he wants to be happy with his new found family forever. And, hopefully it will because he will never shut the door on himself again. That was a promise he made that night as he ly in bed, he was happy despite having such out of control emotions today.

But, he couldn't wait for next year because his life would only get better or worse from here.

A/N- I....Toda! Have this...I guess....Heh...

What is editing?

Merry Christmas!!

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