Chapter 2- First day of school.

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Canada was having a conversation with France and England. He turned to leave and only got a few steps before someone ran into him. He took the offered hand and stood up before looking at the person who hit him.

He froze as he saw who had ran into him. No, it couldn't be. He looks so much like his twin. The one he had thought to be dead. Something was different. The eyes were too gray and the hair to dull to be his dead brothers. 

"I am sorry, I should've been paying more attention to the direction I was going. I shall be seeing you soon Mr. Williams" The boy said just as dead as he looked on the outside. Not an ounce of emotion in his voice. It was still familiar to him even though it was a shadow.

He watched the boy leave with shock. No, he was probably just imagining things. The hair was all wrong anyway, there was no proud and tall cowlick that his brother had. Canada didn't even see the hair that was touching Alfred's head but in the opposite direction of his other hair. It was a easy thing to miss however.

"Ça va?" He heard France asks in his ear.

"...Je vais bien..." He responded.

"What is wrong mon petit?" France asks

"I just thought I saw someone long dead.  It was nothing."  Canada said and Francis nodded.

The two now teachers went to their classrooms. Canada made it to his and decided that it needed more maple leaves everywhere... And he needed more maple syrup.


It was bright and early at 8 on Monday morning. The students of schedule AB stood in a line wearing their workout clothes. Some were chatting with the others, Alfred was starring straight ahead. The teacher then made his way over to the line.

He was even more buff looking up close and looked like he could snap your neck at any time he pleased. He had sharp blue eyes that scanned the students calcuatingly, his blond hair was slicked back,

"Guten Morgen, Welcome to Physical Education. My name is Ludwig Beilschmidt but you may call me how you like, within reason. I come from Germany and will be pushing you all to your full potentials." He said looking over the sad bunch of students. A bunch looked scared, a few looked excited, oh and there was Alfred who felt none of those things.

"Now, I'm going to test your physical abilities with the right amount of pushups, laps and burpies. Now, drop and give me 873!" He said

The many students looked shocked at the high number, Alfred was not one of them. He got down and started doing efficient and easy push-ups. Hesitantly, the others started to join. Most gave up before or a little after 100. Some lasted a little after 200. Alfred made all 873 without so much as breaking a sweat. The students stood again and the German nodded approvingly, he wrote something on a clipboard. 

"Okay, I see some of you will need work. Tell me, what is your name?" The teacher asks pointing at Alfred.

"Alfred F. Jones sir." He said with no emotion but it had power behind it. The German nodded his head.

"Okay, now give me 669 laps around the track. GO!" He shouted and the students sprung into action. Alfred was at an easy jog while most of the pack tired themselves out trying to be in the front and lost energy to keep sprinting. They fell behind Alfred and the other joggers. Just like before many didn't even make it to 100 and others barley breached 200. They watched Alfred jog for 469 laps before stopping and taking a drink of water. He brushed off the bit of sweat that had built up. 

"Good job Alfred, you have true potential." Couch B said 

Alfred just nodded without caring. He didn't care if he stood out from the rest of his peers, he didn't care about anything. As you already know.

"Now, we shall be doing 420 burpies" The tired group didn't last 10 before slumping down and just watch Alfred do all of them. Some were starting to question how they were still alive, they were sweating sheets, their arms and legs ached, and they felt like passing out. Alfred however, seemed relatively unaffected as he took another drink of water.

"Okay, that will do for class today. Now I know what I'm working with we shall do something more reasonable next class. You are excused" The German man said before walking away and writing on his clipboard. Alfred changed and left. The others eventually got up and changed right before the bell rang and they had to get to their next class.

The History Classroom was covered in maps and such as one would expect of a history classroom. It also had Hugarian flags placed around. The teacher seemed nice but also had this aura of power that the other students could pick up. They immediately treated her with respect.

"Jó reggelt, I am Ms.Héderváry. I will be your History teacher this year and I come from Hungary. Now, open your textbooks to the first page." She says but looks up to see a sea of half-dead students. All except one who was looking at her."What happened?"

"We just came from Physical Education ma'am. They simply could not handle the pressure" Alfred says with a calm emotionless tone. The Hungarian cringed slightly.

"I see, well. I guess I shall have to save this for the next class. We don't really need to do anything. What is your name?" She asked kindly

"My name is Alfred F. Jones Ma'am." He said and she nodded

"Where in America are you from?" She asked

"Oh, I was hanging around California when I was invited. I came here as quickly as I could." He said briefly thinking about how he ran all the way from California to New York in a week when it should've taken months. He didn't question it though.

"That's nice..."She says before going over her books. Alfred just sat there, staring st the wall blankly while his classmates tried to recover.

A/N- I should play Beat Saber more because it inspires me to write a lot of crap.... I don't know how to write Hugary and don't know German or Hungarian. Also, the number of laps and such were made by me and offical_Michigan in the middle of the night. Lovely times.

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