Chapter 13: Fighting your demons

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Alfred awoke to a nice aroma of a delicious soup, he found he was wrapped in warm blankets. He sat up and found himself to be much shorter, his hands smaller. He was a child again, he looked around and saw himself. The other him was 19 like he should be, he was humming happily as he made soup. He was wearing a bomber jacket he remembered from WWII over a normal outfit of jeans and a t-shirt,  he wasn't dull at all. His colors vibrant, unlike what he saw that night.

Bright blue eyes looked at him, surprised to see him awake. But, this other him smiled warmly and brought a bowl over. His stomach growls and he takes it, eating the soup with a spoon in small childish hands. The other him watched with that happy smile, the one Alfred could never imagine on himself.

"Who...are you?" Alfred asked softly

"I'm you silly, well...a part of you." The other him said frowning before smiling brightly at him.

"What?" Alfred said, pulling the blankets closer to him. The other him smiling more than Alfred ever has in his life.

"Simple, i'm you. You are Me. I believe you refer to me as "the other"." The other said, Alfred was confounded as he looked at the other him." Hi, my name is America. I am you, just as you are me. We are together the United States of America." 

Alfred shivered under the blankets, this 'America' was so strange. How could they be an entire country? Isn't that just land and stuff? 

"You forgot me." A gruff voice says, and Alfred jumped a bit, startled.

It was him again, but older. He was completely black and white, wearing a restricting white jumpsuit. He looked too be mid 30's rather than 19 and whatever age he was. His face was emotionless, and pieces of him were cracking away and reforming almost instantly. 

"That's Terolechit....He's.......Also us to a point." America explains softly, eyeing the other curiously "I call him Tero."

"Stupid American" Tero scoffs, before leaning back against the wall. 

Alfred shivers more, pulling the blanket closer. Both of the older men look at him, America's worry more visible then Tero's, . While they have their differences, they both care for Alfred. He is the reason they exist after all. America wraps Alfred in blankets and Tero restarts the small fire. Both ignoring each other as they focus on the small boy.

"I...I don't understand. H-how are yo-we a country?" Alfred asks softly

"Well, we represent the people and land of the United States. We are the United States just as the United States is us." America tried

"You are terrible at explaining this." Tero remarked

"If you're so smart, then explain it yourself." America complains

"Nah, I like watching you suffer." Tero said and America sighs for a long time.

"Okay small fry, this might take a while but I'm sure you'll understand eventually." America says, taking the bundle that is Alfred and putting him in his lap.


Matthew was forced to his current home in the US and forced to care for himself. Naturally France was behind it, the father worried for his son.

Matthew came out, his hair laying flat as it was wet. He looked terrible and Francis considered trying him down so he slept, but first some lovely French cuisine.

Matthew ate quietly, getting his fill before all but passing out in his food. Francis picks him up and deposits him on the bed where he tucks him in.

Matthew fell asleep quickly, Kuma joined him. The bear was being taken care of by France while Matthew was staying at the hospital with Alfred. The bear snuggled with his owner, Matthew hugs him close.

Francis smiles at the sweet moment, he then turns off the lights and shuts the door. He sighs, this has really been taking a toll on all of them but Matthew was on a whole nother level.

Poor Amérique, he will get better soon. At least, that's what Francis convinced himself. Some weren't hopeful he'll wake up before the end of the school year.

Francis ran a hand though his hair as he sighed, as long as Matthew was taking care of himself, Francis would be okay as well.

He could only hope Alfred woke up sooner than later, because everyone was effected. Maybe cause he's such a young country, or cause his health rapidly deteriorated. But, Matthew could be missing a brother and that hurt the most.

Alfred played with his spoon slightly, his bowl empty at this point. He was now questioning how he can eat in his head, but shrugs it off.

"Soo...Yo- We're a country."  Alfred asks more then states.

"Yup." America said happily, his cowlick practically wagging at this point.

"Okay, but then who is he?" Alfred asks curiously, looking at Tero.

"Oh..." America dampers a bit

"I was created by you, mainly too keep the annoying American other there from you. It's the reason you went grey and emotionless." Tero says

"Yeah...He's a syndrome countries get when they disconnect from their people and culture. Some have milder cases, we just have it really bad because of our diverse people and culture." America says "and he's a huge ass."

"Hey, don't be rude. " Tero says deadly

America does the mature thing and sticks out his tongue, Tero rolls his eyes slowly. Alfred giggles at them, they both crack a smile at him.  Tero's more muted, and America's wide.

His stomach growls again and he blushes, burying his face in the blankets. America retreaves more food and he starts eating. The world shifts, fading around them.

"What's happening?" Alfred asks

"You're waking up, just remember Alfred. You are America, you just need to let me in, but the choice is yours. " America shouts

The world fades to white, then black and for a moment he was sleeping peacefully before he had the need to wake up.

A/N- Ugh.....Wattpad needs to make it where you have to hit two things to publish, because I accidentally posted this one too early yesterday. Anyway,  next chapter will be fun....

What is editing?

Au revoir!

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