Chapter 18: America is in

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Alfred went home the night of the dance and went to sleep. He had the smallest little smile on his face and his body was buzzing with a new sensation.

The next day, he felt refreshed. The emotions he was feeling weren't full blown ones and he was still quite muted in color. But, he already felt the difference. He went to the bathroom and well, he tried to smile. It looked strange to him, but maybe it was a good thing. It was then he noticed the mirror was still a bit cracked from that time.

School was over till next year, so today he was gonna feel emotions. The world buzzed under him and he went outside, the land had never looked better. Even with it's concrete structures. He gently sat on the grass and dug his hands into slightly cold dirt. This was his land, and these, he looks up at the people milling around, these are his people.

He is America, and he will always be. This wholeness in his soul warmed him, it was a strange sensation but it wasn't bad. No, quite the opposite, it felt good. He cracked a smile, a small genuine smile and his eyes went a shade bluer.


Alfred was walking through the park, the world seeming new despite having spent over 2 centuries on it at least. The animals of the park came to greet him and so he played with the animals. He felt peoples eyes but he didn't really care, he was so happy.

The animals scurried off and he waved goodbye. He then gently sits down and looked up, the sky was blue and the sun seemed to smile at him. Was this what it felt like to be happy? It was strange and new, but he felt bubbly. He felt. Free.

Alfred smiled a bit wider, he didn't know how else to react to this strange new feeling that he was feeling. So, he just lay on his back and stare at the clouds. There were so many, fluffy white clouds in the sky. He reached out as if he could touch it.

He felt like jumping up and sprinting around excitedly, this new level of feeling. This feeling of being alive. It, just made him so happy. Strange, how a few days ago he wouldn't dream of feeling so happy. So, so well, so alive.

He rolled onto his hands and knees before jumping up, the world calls to him. His people, his land. All of it welcome him with a loving embrace, telling him he made the right desicion. Comforting his past traumas in ways he never knew they could be comforted.

He could almost see it, the beaches of Miami down south, the busy streets of New York only a few miles away, and even the people smiling at Disneyland. The entire country, coast to coast, it was like he was there when he was no where close. Was this what it felt like to be a country?


Alfred was wrapping presents happily, his eyes a much brighter blue after a few days of being alive again, the fastest part to change. His hair seemed a shade brighter but otherwise he was still quite pale and has problems expressing his emotions sometimes.

He looked at the maple syrup he bought for Matthew, he had wrapped it in a scarf he made himself. (He had asked Russia to teach him, and the Russian was taken aback but agreed)

He hoped his new found brother would like it, he didn't know that much about what Matthew would like. Especially after so long, but it was what he thought Matthew would like.

He wanted to make Matthew feel...happiness, yes happiness is the right emotion, when he opens it. He may be a little new but right now his emotions are a little unstable. Like, they haven't matured very well.

It's funny how sometimes all he feels is a specific emotion, when other times he feels nothing again. The equilibrium was him struggling to show how he feels outwardly. But, China said that was normal for someone recovering from Terolechit. He trusts Yao's words, he is ancient after all.

He has made a lot of friends with the countries, even Russia much to the others fright. Alfred didn't see why they feared him, he was almost like a frost covered teddy bear abandoned in the snow because he looked scary. They can get into heated debates but both enjoy having someone to talk too.  China likes to complain a lot and Alfred listens well, or at least that's what the other man said. England was a bit more awkward since Alfred swears they've met before, it was also a bit awkward with Francis. He got along well with Kiku, the two having lengthy chats about Anime. Feli was so open, you couldn't not be friendly with him. He and Ludwig could talk, but they weren't particularly attached.

Of course, he gets along best with his brother. They just have that connection you know, it only got stronger with his reconnection to America. Basically he reconnected all severed ties.

He checks his phone and smiles lightly as it lights up with texts, for some reason it made  him really happy that people were messaging him. Like they wanted him around.

Alfred answered of course, before wrapping the last present. Christmas was in a few days and he hoped he could get them to everyone before then. He set aside a few because he knew they would be at Matthew's on Christmas.

He then set out to deliver everyone's presents, because deep in his gut he felt he wouldn't have another chance to hand them out. As he walked, he looked at all the people. All of his people. His face was straight but internally he was smiling widely, proud of his people.

He never wants to go back, not when he feels so alive. He only wishes that he didn't have such all over the place emotions.

A/N- Welp.........Yeah, that is a thing. Sorry I haven't been updating. Too many ideas raging right now I can't just sit down and write one thing.

What is editing?

Au revoir!

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