Chapter 12: Come back

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The room was still as light flowed into the sterilized hospital room, the only sound was a light beeping. The bed was lined with flowers and well wishes. A single person lay on the bed, unimpeded as he slept on for the 2nd week in a row. Laying on the bed from a chair at the bedside was another person, the two looked almost the same, the other's eyes were red from crying and he just looked extremely tired. 

The other person wakes up and glares at the sun for a moment. As if it has scathed him personally, he sighs and says softly "Another day eh. You're really taking your time Alfred." He clasps hands with the person on the bed. Nothing happened as he lay asleep, the room remained still and the machine beat to the same drum. 

"I can tell the others miss you, we barely know you and we already care so much about you. It's funny, how we gravitated to you... " The speaker laughed darkly at himself.

"But, here we are, the 2nd week in a row huh. You're gonna be super behind you know, Midterms are coming up soon. But, I know you'll catch up. You just need to care for yourself eh." He was rambling at this point, trying to stop his own tears. It was futile, he supposed. "We'll help of course, you know we will."

"What am I doing, you can't respond anyway...Just, Alfred please come back to us. We want to help you. You are one of us, and we always help each other no matter the circumstance. I should leave, I've been here for weeks. Just, please come back to us." Matthew finished his monologue before pressing his glasses back onto his face, he gently kissed Alfred's hand before lying it down gently. "Bye Alfred."

Matthew reluctantly left, he needed to eat and he would kill for some maple syrup at the moment. Alfred would be okay with him gone only for a few hours, at least that's what he convinced himself to be true.

As Matthew walks down the hall, another form exists from the shadows and goes into Alfred's room. The figure surveys Alfred for a moment, quietly. The room remains still as the figure looks at Alfred, he could almost be asleep except for the fact he was hooked up to a million machines. 

The figure frowns gently, fixing Alfred's hair a bit before smiling bittersweetly before disappearing back into the shadows once more. Then, the room remained still, the sleeping person remained as he is. The machine didn't falter in its beats and things remained the same. 


The school's atmosphere was different, people quietly shuffled around as if it was taboo to speak at all. The decorated Alfred's door in a sort of shrine for their classmate, no one saw it coming. Classes, which could hardly be called that, were more like loose study halls for the upcoming Midterm as the teachers couldn't bring themselves to do it. Mr. Williams actually disappeared, the others could assume why. The Canadian had always felt a connection to Alfred, in a way none of them could ever replicate.

Yao's announcements were bleak and seemingly robotic. Ivan's lessons were bleak, and they barely learned anything as the Russiam tried to control his emotions. Francis and Antonio were an all-out mess, Arthur in that same boat. They visited when they could. In the end, it felt taboo to speak at all. Even the students that didn't know Alfred felt like they just lost a family member, mostly because they are Americans. 

Still, the school moved on as well as it could in some sort of shambled mess of what it once was. No one wanted to say anything. Alfred lay asleep, a skeleton with skin as he silently slept for what could be an eternity. 


A child shivered in a closet, all alone. He was hungry and cold. The door opened, he was pulled into someone's arms.

"You poor baby...I'll take care if you." It was a soft but confident voice. The child was wrapped in blankets and was softly rocked as the other sang softly a lullaby almost forgotten.

The man gently holds onto the child, warming him up as best he could. Another enters the scene, they are older. Much older than the others.

"What are you doing here?" The younger man snarled holding the child closer.

"Same as you of course." The older replied

"You don't have the right, you drove him to this. He practically killed himself because of you!!" The younger snarls.

"At least I did something." The older grunts

"I TRIED! BUT BECAUSE OF YOU HE DOESN'T TRUST ME!!" The younger yells, the child whimpers and the other gently rocks him back to sleep.

"Hardly seems like my problem." The older responds slyly.

"Look at him, he's hurt. You did this too him, not me. You." The younger says and the older looses composure  for a moment.

"I only did what he wanted,  I kept him away from you. That's the reason I was made!! " The older shouts hurt

"Tero..." The younger said quietly

"Shut up, I'm done.  You clearly don't need me. " Tero says turning away

"Tero, wait I'm sorry! Please come back." The other exclaims

"Oh now you care! Of course, you stupid idiot. I care about him too,  I-I only did what I was born too do."


"I don't want your apologies America, it only makes everything worse." Tero left

America cradles the child closer, trying to warm him. He gently runs a finger over unblemished cheeks. "I'm sorry Alfred...I failed you."

The child remains in uneven sleep, America could do nothing but wait. He looked at the door Tero just left through, he would be back. But,  would he open again? Or try to take Alfred away from him?

America tucks Alfred in on the couch, the fire place starts up and he starts making some soup. The poor thing must be so hungry, and while this won't help physically  he still needs to help Alfred.

America will help Alfred, even if Tero wins in the end. He is Alfred and Alfred is him.

A/N- Welp...... That happened lol. If your confused, the last scene was in Alfred's head. Mentally, Alfred is still that small child locked in the closet. Also, offical_Michigan needs to sleep, so I'm making a petition. Sign here.

What is editing?

Au revoir!

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