Chapter 15: The Explaination

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Alfred watched the others as they tried to come up with some sort of explanation, he looked down and gently pets Matthew. His hair is soft, and it smells like maple. Two very nice things.

"You see Amérique, we are like a ship with the government as it's mast and the citizens as it's wind. We sail on if the citizens still believe and the mast stays strong. " Francis said and Arthur smacks him.

"Stop with that philosophical nonsense frog." England says

"Why, it is good explanation non?" Francis says

Alfred, well if he didn't already know he would be a bit confused right now. So, now for the dumb answer. "What does a ship have to do with a land mass?"

He smirked slightly inwardly as Arthur and Francis began to fight it out. They are separated by an exhausted looking Yao, who is muttering about immature westerners. They would get the group thrown out.

He looks down at Matthew, who is still sound asleep despite all of this. Alfred notices his own skinny arm and wondered briefly when he could eat instead of having to listen to these idiots.

"Can I get something to eat, or are you still gonna fight over there?" Alfred asks, and they stare at him. He stares back with dead eyes. Francis and Arthur were still glaring at each other menacingly.

"Of course, I will go make the most delightful lunch." Francis then leaves, to go to some poor kitchen and take over.

Ivan was watching from the corner the whole time, amused with the others. It was fun to watch them try and explain it da?

Alfred yawns lightly and checks an invisible watch, this was slow and emotionless but the intent was there. The others finally got their stuff together.

"So, everyone here is a country." Arthur says

Alfred just stared at him, to them it was him questioning that statement. To Alfred, it was him looking at Arthur like "yeah, no sh*t.". His face isn't very expressive, more expressive than before.

Alfred started questioning everything, the others might've been trying to explain but he was thinking once more about what America said to him about choice.

"Okay, Alfred. You're a country-" Arthur tries

"I know." Alfred says finally

"W-what? You know??" Arthur asks

"I've known since just before I woke up, I just wanted to watch ya'll suffer." Alfred said emotionlessly

"You all." Arthur corrected and Alfred unintentionally glares into his soul.

The room stilled as Alfred glares him down. Matthew is unimpeded in sleeping, even snoring softly mumbling about mooses and maple syrup. Ivan was laughing inwardly, he was having the time of his life.

The tension is broken by Francis who returns with food, Alfred takes it and eats quietly. He is still pretty emotionless, maybe he let America in a bit.

"He has the worst case I've seen,..." Yao mentioned softly

"Of what?" Kiku asks politely

"Terolechit." Yao says

"Wait..." Arthur said

"Non..." Francis said

"Ve..." Feliciano added

"Aiya, are you telling me none of you thought it?" Yao says

"Judging by the reactions, nein." Ludwig said

Alfred didn't acknowledge what they were saying as he was lost in thought, gently running his hands in Matthew's hair to calm the Candian as he had started whimpering in his sleep. It was brotherly in every aspect, comforting what could be his brother.

Alfred looks down, this could be his brother. He's always wanted a true family, someone who would actually care about him... Anyway, the countries were fighting it out. That's when Yao stepped up, Alfred eyes him. Having never met the Chinese man in person.

"We haven't got to meet properly, but I am Yao or China." Yao introduces himself.

"Alfred." Alfred says with no real emotion. Yao studies him for a moment, looking at his pale everything.

"Can we talk about something relevant? Or are we gonna fight over whatever it is you are fighting about." Alfred then deadpans in one of his most dead inside voices.

"Ah, da. The doctors have set up a nutrition and sleep schedule they want you to follow." Ivan says, handing a few pieces of paper, "I do believe we will be forcing you to follow them.So, you have no choice da?"

Alfred looks over them, eyeing it with no emotion. They want him to go to bed every night at 8? And want him to get at least 8 hours of sleep, but they actually want 10? And he has to eat certain foods and things. Well, that's not surprising.

Because of his lapse in judgment, he had let his body breakdown. Very unfortunate, cause now people are gonna look at him with fake pity and are gonna think things that are untrue.

"Aiya, we should also talk about Terolechit." Yao says, Alfred just looks at him.

"Well, no one is stopping you." Arthur casually says and Yao grumbles a bit.

"I wirr do it." Kiku says and the others nod.

"Alfred-kun, when a country rooses connection or shuts off their people, they start to pale or dull as they roose personarity and color. This is known as Terorechit." Kiku explains

Alfred blinks at him slowly, no one could read him really as he just stared blankly. He then nods briefly and goes back to staring blankly. The others were a bit unnerved by this, more so then they've ever been. Oh, and Matthew was sleeping still. He must've been exhausted.

Really, Alfred was thinking. He has a whole other part of himself, a part that could make him happy. But, it could also make him sad, angry, and feel all sorts of emotions. He wasn't sure what that would be like, since the feeling had been gone for so long.

Matthew meanwhile was now dreaming of a time long ago when it was just him, his brother, and his mother. The happy family he once had, before all of this. Before both his mother and brother were taken from him. In different ways, mother faded a little after the humans came and took his brother. He managed to hide do to his natural invisibility. It was a terrifying and mentally scarring day and his brother was pulled away from them. His mother being beaten practically to death. He desperately went back to the days of warm fields, and the animals. His brother always had this was with animals.

A/N- Welp, this chapter sucked some serious arse...I'm sorry... It wasn't that funny, it was supposed to be but I guess I just wasn't feeling it.

What is editing?

Au revoir!

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