Chapter 4: Spanish and Math

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Before we start, I want to thank offical_Michigan for helping me write Spanish class since I know as much about Spanish as I do Russian. Nothing but simple things. She also wrote Spain in the teacher meeting. Anyway, let's get started. 

Alfred found himself staring at the wall as he waited for the teacher to arrive. He did have a phone, but only because he was forced to buy one by an old friend who died. He did not care to use it for things other than communication so while it looks like it just came from the factory, it had a bunch of contacts and conversations.

He heard a sound and he turned his head slightly. He saw a happy man with wild brown hair and bright green eyes. He was smiling and walking like he didn't have a care in the world. He saw Alfred and he stopped to survey the younger student.

"Ah, are you here for Spanish?" He asks. A nod. "I am the teacher Mr. Carriedo! I'm sure we shall get acquainted during class today! Here let me let you into the classroom!" The man fiddles with the key for a second before opening the door.

The room is covered in maps of Spain and Spanish flags. If you couldn't tell this man was Spanish from the room alone than you were either stupid or ignorant. Maybe both. Alfred, however, didn't have much to do but observe things about the room. Not only was it covered with Spanish flags it also had a lot of tomato's covering random places in the room. 

The board was covered with different Spanish greetings, all of which Alfred understood. Alfred found a desk that had a sticky note with his name scrawled onto it. You could see the happiness when it was written. Alfred sat down calmly and continued his staring contest with the wall.


The students all came trickling in from lunch laughing among friends. Surprisingly, the only outcast was Alfred since everyone got along pretty well with each other. The others are nice people and they have a good heart but even they feel weary around the emotionless boy who could do too much. 

They all sat down as the bell rang, Spain had been typing away happily on his computer the entire time he was here and smiled at them when the bell rang. He stood and made his way to the front of the room.

"Hola! I am your Spanish teacher this year! I'm excited to meet you all, today we should be starting with some relatively simple questions!" Spain said excitedly and everyone (except Alfie boi because he's dead inside. Ah! I don't know why I'm so happy right now!) shrinks away slightly as they know about as much Spanish as I do.

"You're greeting your Spanish teacher in MEXICO in the MORNING, what do you say?" Spain asks and 99.98% of the class stares at him blankly (Me, right there)

"Buenos Dias maestro, como está usted?" (That better SerenitySVA?) Alfredb said randomly and Spain is alert. The students look at him as it goes over their heads.

"Good but can you translate it??" Spain asks

"Good morning teacher how are you?" Alfred said deadly 

"That...Kinda makes sense?" Says random student who looks suspiciously like the author.

"Okay new scenario. You are CASUALLY out and you meet someone NEW what do you ask?" Spain says looking around, the students are less open with their looking and stare at Alfred.

"¡ Hola! Mucho gusto, Como te llamas? Me llamo Alfred! The translation is hello nice to meet you what's your name? My name is Alfred!" Alfred says with a shocking amount of emotion for the emotionless 19-year-old. By that, I mean he had a slight lift in his voice that was barely detectable. 

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