Chapter 1- Welcome.

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"Good evening, My name is Arthur Kirkland and I will be your headmaster or principal if you prefer. I represent the United Kingdom in the World Congress. I thank you for coming to this welcoming meeting. I am happy to get this under way. First, we shall go over rules and Policy. Then, the teachers shall introduce themselves. "

Time skill because no one cares about rules.

"Now we will begin introductions." Mr. Kirkland said before leaving the stage. The students watch as a buff man with slicked blonde hair and sharp blue eyes stepped on the stage. The man went up to the mic and cleared his throat.

" Hallo, my name is Ludwig Beilschmidt but you shall be calling me Mr. Beilschmidt. I represent Germany in the World Congress. I will be teaching Physical Education this semester and German next Semester. I shall see you in class. " The man said with a firm voice. Everyone seemed to stiffen until he walked off stage.

Another blonde walked on stage. He was wearing a fashionable blue suit and his hair fell in graceful waves. He walked gracefully to the microphone.

"Bonjour mes élèves, My name is Francis Bonnefoy. I represent the beautiful country of France in the World Congress.I shall be teaching Français first semester and fashion design second semester. Enchantée~ A tout à l'heure!!" The Frenchman said some of the words going over the heads of the crowd. He got off stage just as gracefully as he got on.

Another blonde stepped on stage. Though, it was platinum instead of the bright blond of the others. Everyone shivered as the man made his way to the mic. He was tall and was wearing a coat and scarf despite to warm weather.

"Privet, I am Ivan Braginsky. I represent the mother land in the World Congress. I shall be teaching Russian first semester and second semester I shall teach knitting. I shall be seeing you." The tall Russian man said with a smile that made everyone but Alfred shiver in their seats. He then leaves the stage and everyone shivers.

Then, a brunette came on stage. He had soft green eyes that had a more inviting vibe than the English man.

"Hola, My name is Antonio Fernandez Carriedo. I represent Spain in the Qorld Congress. I shall be teaching Spanish first semester and helping Lovi second semester~" Insert Italian grumble.

He bounces of stage happily and everyone smiles and relaxes again. A familiar Japanese man makes his way on stage. He smiles once st the mic.

"I have all ready introduced myself to all of you. You can call me Mr. Honda if you would rike. I will be teaching Information Technology first semester and Japanese next semester. Sayonara!" Mr. Honda says before stepping off stage.

A strong looking women with light brown hair stepped on stage. She seemed to be wearing a traditional Hungarian dress because reasons.

"Szia, my name is Elizabeta Héderváry. I represent Hungary in the World Congress. I shall be teaching History first semester and will be taking over the office second. I will being seeing all of you soon." She said and everyone in the room quickly respected the strong women.

Then, two boys came up at the same time. One had a curl protruding from the right and he walked on with a joyful expression and closed eyes. Next to him was his brother who had a curl protruding from the left. He looked really grumpy.

"Ve~ My name is Feliciano Vargas and I represent North Italy in the World Congress! I will be teaching art this semester and teaching Italian 2nd. "

The other rolled his eyes "Ciao, I'm Lovino Vargas and I represent South Italy in the World Congress. I will be teaching a cooking class first semester and gardening with that idiota 2nd semester." Lovino gestures in the general direction of Antonio who beamed.

The two left and everyone was gaping at the vastly different brothers. Another man walks on stage. His hair was long and tied in a pony tail. He walked up and smiled.

"Aiya, I am Yao Wang. I represent China in the World Congress. First Semester I was forced to manage the office and seacond semester I shall be teaching Mandarin. I'll see you all, aru." Yao said before walking off stage.

Then, a boy that seemed to blend in with the scenery and some had to looks closely to see him. Alfred saw him perfectly and his eyes flashed slightly in recognition.

Many years ago.

"Run Kanta! Keep going without me!!" A young Alfred called to a small boy who looked like him except his hair was longer and his eyes were violet. Alfred was limping as his leg was wounded.

"Maska!" The boy yelled with worry but he starts running when his brother yells.

" Go!!" Alfred suddenly stopped moving and looked to see a hole in his chest and vaguely realised he was shot. He looked up at his twins retreating body. "Go..." He said before falling to his knees and slumping on the ground.

Alfred came back to reality and looked at the Canadian.

"I'm Matthew Williams, Eh. I represent Canada in the World Congress. I will be teaching English first semester and will be sponsoring a Hockey team 2nd semester. "

The boy that was Alfred's double sat down and Alfred went back to complete emotionlessness. 

Finally, the last teacher appeared. It was another blonde who had it cut to chin length. He also styled a white beret. He had a stern expression and it was clear he was not to be messed with.

"My name is  Basch Zwingli. I represent Switzerland in the World Congress...I am here to teach Math and Finances. Don't exactly know how I got talked into this..." The man says before just walking off the stage. Everyone blinks a few times.

Mr. Kirkland walked up on stage again and dismissed the group. Alfred was one of the last to leave. He didn't even notice he was about to run into a certain Canadian until he ran smack dab into him.

"I am sorry, I should've been paying more attention to the direction I was going. I shall be seeing you soon Mr. Williams" he said with his usual dead voice and Matthew just gaped as Alfred left the room.

A/N- Toda! It would've been finished sooner but I couldn't pass up the chance to paint miniatures with dad. I also know crap about writing Hungary and even less Switzerland since he's out of character just because he's here...

What is editing?

Au revoir!

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