Chapter 6: Totally not looking at tentacle porn

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Mr. Honda was a small and polite man, he greeted all of his students as they enter his class. He bowed respectfully and some even returned the bow.

Alfred walked into the room and was one of those that bowed back. Immediately, the man's brown eyes were trained on the American.

The rush of life from the cooking had toned down significantly and he was now just as dead as usual. His heart seems to ache and the feeling the something is missing was bigger than usual.

He felt a sting in his eyes that was alien but he didn't under stand why, a part of himself was in so much pain and he didn't even notice.

Alfred sat at a computer and turned in the little stool to face towards Mr. Honda who had wandered to the front of the class.

"Wercome to information technorogy. I am your teacher Mr. Honda. I intend to inform you what this crass wirr be about." The Japanese man said politely

Everyone nodded and Alfred gave the smallest hum of acknowledgment. This spurred the man to continue.

"When I was given this job, they did not explain it werr so I'm going to make it how I think it should be. " Mr. Honda said

Again, everyone nodded as the teacher gently typed in his computer password and was on his computer.

"So, I imagine in a crass rike this wourd focus on coding and typing. So, we sharr be focusing on that." Mr. Honda said "On the first day of schoor you were assigned an email and password. Log in using these."

Alfred would've been pleased since he is already well versed in coding and is a great hacker. But, you know... totally emotionless.

Anyway, everyone logged in. Mr. Honda had to help a few and look up some temp passwords(They can be changed later) but soon everyone was logged into their computer.

"So, I wourd rike to get to know everyone. So, we are all gonna be making presentations about ourselves, we wirr present next class." Mt. Honda said

Everyone started on their presentation, Alfred decided to make his own program for it because why not.

Mr. Honda was wandering around making sure people were working and the like. Though, his eyes were trained on Alfred who was typing so fast his hands were a blurr. He learned how to type a long time ago. You'd be suprised how long ago.

Japan was curious, this Alfred F Jones of which he had heard so much about. He was truly emotionless, yet Japan feels that he is hurting under the cold front.

He also watched in similar horror to the other students as Alfred typed so fast it was astounding. He couldn't just be making a presentation with like Google drive unless one slide is an essay.

The class passed in a similar fashion, Alfred was basically finished by the end. He could finish the rest later in his dorm room or whatever.

Soon, everyone was logging out and packing up. Japan was casually reading yaoi in the corner. He said goodbye politely and continued to read with a pink face.

Alfred headed too the art room, where the bubbly Italian Mr. Vargas was already painting happily. Paint splattered on his everything.

The students wandered in and sat in groups of four around a black table that's clean considering this is an art room.

At each seat sits a little easel, and on that a canvas. Paint bottles were placed on the table and assortment of brushed and other tools were scattered.

Everyone sat down pleased, Alfred gently sorted the art supplies in his area. A neat line of brushes and a few sponges.

"Ciao! Welcome to my class!!" He didn't even open his eyes as he looked around the room.

"Ve~ You were in fratello's class! You made delicious foods! Well, except for that one..." The italian trailed off.

"Anyway, I want everyone to make the most amazing artwork they can manage! That would be very fun!" Mr. Vargas chirps happily before turning back to his artwork.

After a second, they recognized he was painting a portrait of a certain PE teacher. The Italian started humming a song, you can probably guess which one.

Regardless, the students started painting whatever they wanted. Alfred stared at the white canvas for a moment.

He felt that urge to reach to the part of himself, the one he never understood but helps when least expected.  He opened up a bit and a flurry of information scathed his senses.

Alfred then starts, choosing to just start as it was the first thought he had.

Everytime he is gonna do something creative, the other part edges at his mind. Wanting to be set free.

This happens the most right after he wakes up, mostly from death but it's certainly there when he wakes up normally.

Part of the reason he avoids sleeping, he doesn't want to wake up and be harassed by this feeling. It was so comforting yet terrifying, he wanted it to go away.

The other reason is terrible night terrors from being locked in a closet umong other things during his upbringing.

The art is going well, the feeling of liveliness returns once more. He smiled again, softly as warmth fills him. But, he starts to feel the pain he blinds himself to and his heart feels heavy.

His mind drifts to the feeling once more, his brain reaches the sunflower fields of Kansas and other states. He had never been to these places.

He looks at the art and sees the product of his drifting mind. In the center, lays a sunflower that's shattered into different colors and the background is chaos but somehow the sunflower was still the focal point. He signed the painting and put it over too dry.

"Ve~ how pretty!" Mr. Vargas said coming from seemingly nowhere startling the American but only a bit."Since you finsihed you can leave early!"

Alfred nods in acknowledgement, he gathers his things and leaves. A few paint stains of his fingers and splatters on his clothes. Not that he cared, plus it adds color to the gray.

It was gonna be lunch soon, he should prepare for that. He already started his mental checklist of what to do for tonight.

A/N- Heylo, sorry again for publishing early. I hope you enjoyed regardless. I was asked to kindly update and well, when asked I feel I must deliver. So, bon appétit.

What is editing?

Au revoir!

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