Chapter 17: The Dance

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Alfred rose his eyebrow a bit at the suit he was more or less forced into. It was a nice suit sure, but he wasn't sure it really was his style. He shrugs slighyly and fished out his phone, it was a Saturday and the dance started in a few hours.

He didn't have a date, nor did he care to find one. He hasn't felt any sort of attraction for anyone really, well, he hasn't felt anything for centuries but let's not talk about it. You've heard it all already.

Alfred then grabs the upgraded phone the others insist he buy, he just did as told. He tucks in his pocket before leaving the dorm room and walking down the hallways, people decorated their doors for their respective holidays. Alfred didn't bother with it.

A few others were in the hall, shy couples, confident couples, people like him without dates, friends going together, you know the people who attend these things. He ignored them, but he still felt eyes as he walked by. The suit feeling even more uncomfortable.

He walks down and stops for a bit, he checks the new phone and recognized a few texts from various other people. He mutters to himself a bit, just thinking of a response.

"Hey bro!" He looked up and saw Canada walking towards him in a red version of his own blue suit. He nodded in response.

"So, what are your plans for tonight?" Matthew asks

"Hmm...Hide in a corner and eat food." Alfred answered blankly

"You owe your twin at least one dance." Matthew teases and Alfred blinks at him in a hint of amusement.

"This won't be too stuffy will it?" Alfred asked.

"I hope not." Matthew responded.

It was stuffy, Alfred was drinking the punch and watched as the slower songs were played. Some were brave enough to slow dance but like. Everyone else was wondering where the party was, because this clearly wasn't it. The Europeans apparently didn't understand how Americans party, Matthew was sitting next to Alfred with a simular distaste. Most dances, are more like parties with fancy clothes. Especially school dances.

"This is the dullest party I've ever been too, and I don't usually go to have a "good time"." Alfred mutters deadly and Matthew makes a noise of acknowledgement.

Suddenly, Silvia sat down. She had her hair in a bun and was in a tight cocktail dress. She looked at the brothers for a moment before looking back at Alfred.

"Yo, this party is boring. So, me and the crew want to crash it and you're just the man we need. You in?" Silvia says looking at Alfred.

Matthew elbows him and Alfred comes back to Earth, he then says "Yes, of course."

The two then left meeting up with the rest of the crew. The four others welcomed him with respect, Armin was wearing a black suit and had an arm around Silvia as soon as she returned. They started dating a few days ago. Two others were Ed and Hunter, they were gay lovers who love mischief and are chill people. The final was Alex, they are the gender less blob that keep the group together.

"So, what's the plan?" Alex asked softly, they looked at the others expectantly.

"Hold on, I'm coming up with something." Silvia mutters

The others looked at her as she schemes some more, then she nods at them. A plan gleaming in her eyes.

"Okay, Hunter, Ed. You two are on music detail, get us some good music. Alex, you're gonna spike the punch, most of us are adults here. Alfred and Armin, you two are gonna distract the teachers. You figure out how." Silvia says

"What about you?" Alfred asks deadly

"Oh, well I'm gonna get the party started." Silvia says with a smirk and soon everyone goes their sepreate ways.

Ed and Hunter easily got over to the unused DJ booth, seeing as they were playing something classical. Armin and Alfred proved a great distraction. Alex always had alcohol, no one will ever know where they keep it. Silvia was happily standing to the side of the dance floor, not joining the few dancers.

Everyone else looked like they were gonna pass out in their cups from sheer boredom. Matthew following the groups with interest, mostly because there wasn't much else to do and he didn't want to kill the battery on his phone like the others who were debating just up and leaving at this point.

Suddenly the music stops and everyone looks up, that's when Silvia steps in and declares "Time to party!!" And with a snap of her fingers the music starts.

Immediately the kids burst into action, going to the dancefloor and dancing to something they actually want to dance too. And then suddenly everyone was having a good time, a few of the teachers looked like fish as they gaped At the scene. Alfred wandered back to Matthew after giving Armin a high five before the boy headed back to his girl friend.

"Good job eh." Matthew says

"I tried." Alfred responded with no real emotion as he scans the room

"So, Alfie what do you plan to do now that you know?" Matthew asks, his soft voice somehow easy to hear over the music.

"I....I hadn't thought that far." Alfred says deadly, some consealed emotion of course.

"That's okay Alfie, I'm sure you'll figure it out." Matthew said and Alfred nods.

They sat in silence for a moment, Alfred watching the other students. He was feeling a slight connection to them, something he had never felt before and it made him nervous. At least, how he assumed someone would feel nervous. But, now that he thinks about it he has always had a connection but it's never been more obvious then it is now.

He made a decision, one he was hoping he wouldn't regret. He took a deep breath, before letting America in. His body was flooded with thoughts and feelings it was nice.

"What do you say earlier, something about a dance?" Alfred teases lightly and Matthew looks a little off put but smiles widely at a realization.

A/N- I literally wrote this instead of doing work for my final project....Mostly because I didn't get it, mainly cause the teacher explained it to us while I was half asleep. But, I had more of a plan at 2 AM today so I'm sure I can hodgepodge something intelligent sounding. Anyway, got things to write.

What is editing?

Au revoir!

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