Chapter 15 - As long as you can do it with immaculate class

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It is both a blessing and a curse to feel everything so very deeply.

- d.j.

"So, is Adrian's party still happening tonight?" Malfoy asked as we were waiting outside Snape's office. He requested us to give him an update on our prefect duties before Christmas break, but was still busy lecturing a first-year Gryffindor who had an explosive incident.

"I think so. As long as no one tells Umbridge about it." I said. The message about the party had spread through Slytherin house quickly and luckily, none of the Inquisitorial squad members had spilled. I suppose they were up for a little excitement before Christmas too.

"She has no clue, the woman is daft", Malfoy mumbled, causing me to chuckle.

"Well that's one thing we agree on. But why are you in her little squad then?"

Malfoy shrugged, avoiding my gaze.

"I get to dock house points, why wouldn't I?" He had a fair point. It was certainly right up his alley.

"So, what are you doing for the holidays?" I asked to pass the time. Listening to a crying first-year wasn't exactly my favourite pastime.

"Why do you want to know?" he frowned, finally looking at me.

"Just being nice, that's all", I rolled my eyes, fixating my eyes on the door again. Snape really had to get a move on. The party had already started and I promised Adrian I'd be there.

"Same as last year. The stupid Ministry party, fancy dinners and probably visit your house way too often." His family did come over very often, especially during Christmas break. They'd come over for Christmas, New Year's eve and Narcissa took me Christmas shopping every year.

The door opened and the Gryffindor ran out, tears staining his face.

"Enter", Snape said. We entered the classroom and I tried not to show how awkward I was feeling. This man always made me feel uncomfortable.

"Had any problems with completing your prefect duties these months?" he asked without looking up. I quickly glanced at Malfoy, but he showed no emotion.

"Not really, sir", I said. There certainly had been a couple hiccups, but I was not in the mood to put it all out there.

"Any events worth mentioning?"

"No, not really."

"Anything else you'd like to ask?"

"No", Malfoy said this time, not sounding the least bit interested.

"Good, you can go now", Snape said. He hadn't looked at us once. So this was his half-year check-up? How ... extensive.

Malfoy exited the classroom, so I quickly followed him. At least I hadn't missed much of the party in the common room.

"Why do you always look so unhappy, Malfoy?" I asked, genuinely curious. He smiled so little.

"None of your business, Selwyn", he sighed, picking up his pace.

The common room was in full swing when we entered. Luckily someone had cast the Silencio spell or we would have already been in great trouble. I scanned the room, not sure what to do. Daphne was nowhere to be found and Adrian was completely surrounded by his friends.

It took me a while to spot Tracey, but I soon discovered her on one of the couches, glued to Graham Montague's lips. How ... wonderful.

"Eleanor, you made it!" I heard. Adrian pushed himself through the barrier of people and jogged my way. He had a bright smile on his face, but he squinted his eyes slightly, indicating that he had had a drink or two.

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