Chapter 72 - Don't be so difficult

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Everyone doesn't need access to you. Some people are draining and they don't even know it. You're allowed to say no, You're allowed to not answer calls, you're allowed to break plans, and if you need to save yourself, do it.

– Sylvester McNutt III

"Who are all these people?" Tracey frowned as we walked out of the Great Hall. Breakfast had been completely quiet. The Great Hall had lost all of its glory. The torches were not lit, the sky was clouded and the floating candles were burnt out. And at the very front, there was no cheerful Albus Dumledore, but Professor - now Headmaster - Severus Snape.

"Death Eaters", I mumbled very quietly as we walked through the hallways towards Dark Arts. Another change in this year's curriculum. I hated that I did know all of these people. I knew all of them by face and name because they had spent the entire summer at Malfoy Manor. Alecto and Amycus Carrow were two of them and it terrified me. They were vicious on a whole other level and since both of them had been assigned as professors, another ridiculous call, something was bound to be wrong.

Draco joined me and put his hand on the small of my back. He had been very tense ever since we arrived at Hogwarts. He wasn't very liked by the student body. On one hand because of what happened last year, the whole story had gotten out, so many people blamed Draco for Dumebledore's death, and because he clearly had a favorable position between the Death Eaters. People didn't look at me very differently. I think many of them supposed I was on that side too, but most of them always had.

We walked into the classroom, being met by a bored looking Amycus.

"Malfoy, Selwyn, Headmaster's office after class", Amycus said. I frowned shortly, but decided not to worry about it all too much. I was not going to do any funny jobs for these people, whatever the consequences.

I frowned when a class of first-years walked into the classroom as well. In our N.E.W.T. years, we often had a few classes with the other N.E.W.T. year but mixing a seventh and first year class seemed a little odd to me. Amycus didn't seem very surprised by the situation.

"What are the chipmunks doing here?" Tracey frowned, looking at the first years who looked even more surprised and slightly intimidated by the group of students six years older than them.

"I don't suppose it'll be for a cute little buddy project", I sighed. The door shut tightly and everyone quieted down as Amycus walked towards the large group.

"Seventh years on the left, first years on the right", he said. Everyone followed his orders without saying a word.

"It has come to my attention that your Defense against the Dark Arts class has been an absolute disgrace these past years. I understand that you've learned about the Unforgivable Curses and some of you have even witnessed them, but you were never allowed to perform them. That's going to change now."

"Excuse me?" Tracey asked, eyebrows raised. Amycus's eyes shot in her direction, clearly not expecting any back-talk.

"Imperio", Amycus said as he pointed his wand at Tracey. Tracey immediately stopped speaking, causing Amycus to smile wickedly.

"Rule number one in my class", he said as he guided Tracey to the middle of the class. "Don't speak unless you are asked to. Now what do we do when you step out of line. He flicked his wand, making Tracey do a cartwheel. My blood started to boil as my hand grabbed my wand.

I had promised myself not to draw any unneeded attention to myself as I wanted to stay in the background, but I couldn't watch him embarrass my best friend like that.

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