Chapter 1 - Let go of my wrist or I'll hex you

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Pride and egos kill more dreams than doubt ever will. 

- Charlie Farley

When I got my letter from Hogwarts, telling me that I had gotten selected as one of the Slytherin prefects, I was overjoyed. Being a prefect was a great honor, especially in Slytherin house. Students from the best families were selected, and I had become female prefect over Pansy bloody Parkinson, which was quite an achievement.

Pansy had tried to one-up me ever since we were born. The thing was that she lacked some intellectual abilities, causing her to come across as desperate, predictable and tactless. The only thing she had that I didn't was a somewhat friendly relationship with Malfoy.

"Mum, look at this!" I called out, running down the stairs.

"Eleanor, we do not run in the house!" she said and I immediately slowed down my pace. "Besides, behave yourself, we have visitors." I reached the ground floor and was greeted by a pair of silver eyes.

"Narcissa, what nice having you over", I said, averting my eyes from her son and putting up a straight face. I quickly hugged Malfoy's mother. Although I despised Malfoy, I got along with his mother just fine. She was a very lovely lady and always bought me the most beautiful dresses.

"Draco, what a pleasure", I said, not trying to make it sound genuine. At home I was obliged to call him by his first name, but at Hogwarts, he was just Malfoy.

"Likewise", he said, scrunching up his nose.

There were many reasons as to why I hated Malfoy. First of all, we'd been competing ever since we were born. Everything I did was compared to him and the other way around. There was a constant pressure to do better, and failing was infuriating. 

Secondly, Malfoy was simply an unpleasant person. He used to shove me down in the garden, call me names when he was with his friends and mock everything I did, just to bring my spirit down. I used to get really sad over it, but as the years passed, all I felt was anger and hatred. I loathed the boy.

"They have some very good news. Draco is going to be a Slytherin prefect next year", my mother said. Although I had expected this, hearing it did not improve my mood. Completing prefect duties with Malfoy, how lovely.

Malfoy looked proud, as if he had just gotten a medal of bravery. He slightly puffed his chest and raised his eyebrows when I looked at him. He was so full of himself. I despised him.

"Well, congratulations, seems like we'll be colleagues then", I said, handing the letter to my mother.

"Oh, that's terrific news, darling. The school made a wise choice." Malfoy's smug look was wiped off his face, which brought me joy. He had hoped to one-up me again, but he had yet again failed.

"We're heading out for Diagon Alley now. I suppose we'll meet again at the train station tomorrow", Narcissa said. 

"Most definitely, have a nice day", I said, still glaring at Malfoy. As he and his mother left again through the floo network, my mother sighed.

"What wonderful news. A great batch of prefects for Slytherin this year. How about a celebratory dinner tonight? Daddy will be home in an hour or so." I just nodded.

"I really wished you'd get along better with Draco. Maybe being prefects together will change things."

"I highly doubt it, mother." I rolled my eyes, making sure my mother didn't see.

"I don't understand. He's got a perfect status, is respected, well-raised and very handsome. You could do a lot worse than that", mother continued. She'd never let go of the subject.

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