Chapter 38 - And the world stares in awe of their eclipse

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She will always return to the man who gets her, the man who lets her be wild, the man who doesn't act like she is too much.

- S. Mcnutt

"You seem way too into that Potions book", I smirked as I looked over Draco's shoulder in the common room. He looked up and raised an eyebrow.

"Well, we've got O.W.L.'s in a week and I plan to get better grades than you, that's for sure", he smirked.

"You and I both know you don't stand a chance, Draco", I smiled, sitting down next to him. I hadn't spoken to him all weekend. I had stumbled upon an Arithmancy chapter that took me ages to figure out, so all my time had been spent in the library and on occasions that we had to see each other during meals and in class, I still tried to keep Daphne into account, just for a little while. I knew how hard it was to get over someone and she deserved a little help.

"We've got patrol in a few minutes. Have you got time?" I asked. We were allowed to skip patrol if it interfered with studying for the O.W.L.'s, but lately it had become more of a fun activity rather than a task.

"I'll have to make some time for that since you're barely around", he said, but he wasn't annoyed by it. I knew he was still figuring out what this was, so maybe some distance was exactly what he needed.

"I'm a busy woman, Draco, you have to earn my time", I said with a wink and stood up. He put the Potions book in his bag and did the same.

"I'm going to drop this in my room quickly and change clothes, I'll be out soon", he said and walked towards the boys's dormitories. He was so incredibly handsome. I always thought that he was good looking, even though I hated him, but ever since I stopped doing the latter, I couldn't think of anything else.

"Stop staring, it's creepy", Daphne said, sitting down in the spot Draco was just in. A smile was on her face.

"Sorry, didn't mean to", I said, looking down. I was blushing, Merlin, what was wrong with me?

"I told you, don't apologize. If you like him, just go for it", she shrugged. I sat down and sighed.

"I don't know, it's all so weird. I'm not sure what's going on."

"Well I can definitely relate with you on that", Daphne chuckled. I smiled at her. It had only been a few days and although I knew she was hurting inside, she didn't show it. "I do wonder what your parents and his parents are going to think about it when they find out", she laughed. My eyes widened slightly. I hadn't even thought about my parents, or Draco's, or ... Draco's aunt.

"Let's not worry about that for another month", I sighed. Draco walked back in, so I bid Daphne goodbye and walked out with him.

We walked out of the dungeons and to the ground floor, where the main hall, which was normally crowded, was completely empty.

"You're so quiet", I mentioned as he hadn't said a word yet since we left the common room.

"Just thinking", he mumbled, tracing the wall with his index finger.


"I was thinking that I actually know very little about you. We don't talk much", he said, making me smile. He wanted to get to know me better?

"Well, what would you like to know?" I asked, trying to hide the grin.

"Hmm ...", he mumbled, his voice echoing through the empty hallways. "What's your favourite colour?" he asked. 

"Oh, really hitting me with the deep questions here", I chuckled. "It's dark green."

"Slytherin colours, not surprised", he said.

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